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 You are gone now, and I have a lovesick ache in my stomach that refuses to leave and let me rest. I know I will never see you again. You are gone from my life, and any spring I can hope for is miles from me. Down on that green earth of yours where I am a stranger walking amongst life while thinking of death.

Now I will return to my immortality. Where the only traces of anything living I encounter are the souls that Death has torn from the ground, never to return, and the soft prayers that are sent to me by those with nowhere else to turn, nowhere else to look, by those who believe that they are alone while surrounded by life.

I cannot answer them for connection would be too painful to handle now that I am doomed to be alone with him and a memory of you - now corrupted by thorns and withering petals. All I can see of you now is the reflection of stars in your eyes as the life in you leaves once again.

The moon was never meant to love. I haven't heard the name you gave me in so long...

I am no longer her. Merely the moon, glorious and bright, loved and necessary, looking down over the world in dying hope to glimpse your smile as you hold a rose despite its thorns, tears prick your eyes and then you're gone as he tries to console me in my pain.

I loved him once I swear. When there was nothing else to love, but you lifted my head and held my hand, and showed me a world that is bright through the night, I said it was the stars, you laughed and told me otherwise.

How shallow I must be: to lose all love for him just because of a rose, and even when you hurt me I loved you and I love you still. Perhaps this tragedy was our fate from the beginning. To show me the love of life before an eternity of death. Now I dwell in the knowledge that you could reach me with just a thought.

But you don't, and you never will; For fear of death and what he could do.

As seasons pass your memory seems to drain of colour, it remains bright, but I cannot feel its warmth or see its colour. I suppose that with a backdrop of endless night the world has reverted back to black and white.

I have tried to fight against my urge to indulge in remembering our time together, but as you begin to die in my mind I know I must fight; I will fight in an endless cycle of pain to grasp at what we had before I remember that it is gone. Like you it is gone.

So I fall, deep into memory where you are lit up by the stars and we are together. Together in our longing for something greater than what we already had, this is when you showed me my value and all I can think of in my sadness, is if you ever found yours; When you returned to me for the first time you said you wanted to bring back the smell of roses to the world. Maybe that was it. I hope you achieved your goal, I hope you're happy. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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