Chapter 4-Last

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Chapter No 4


"Will you remember me?" I don't know why he asked this. After 10 years this is the sentence I cannot forget. In fact I cannot forget him. He is my love, my first love. In these 10 years not a single day had been passed when I did not imagine him. He became my illusion. I saw him every day at every place wherever I go. But now I am tired. I want to forget him. I want to be happy. I want to get rid of his illusion! What have I done wrong that I got such a punishment!

Today I am in London. I know he is here I can feel him, His fragrance is in the air of this city. As I stepped out of the airport, it started raining. In 10 years first time I cannot control myself and I came on the road. I looked up at the sky, Raindrops poured on my face. I lowered my face and chiding myself for my childish behavior I turned to leave but before I could pull back acar stopped with a heavy screech. I closed my eyes in fear and covered my face with my palms.

"Are you ok?" God damn again his voice why can't he go from my life and leave me alone

"Mam you ok?" Same voice again. This time I wiped my hands from my face. Now I can see him. He is standing in front of me.

"Izza" I heard my name from his mouth, so this is not my illusion, he is here

"Zayan" I slightly touched his face with my hands to make sure I am not imagining him, yes he is standing here in real

"Izza how did you come here? I mean ...... you are with your family? ...... mean ...... where is your husband? And you must have two or 3 cute children? .... Or you come alone? I mean yo ........." I put a full stop to his sudden questions

I am not married Zayan!" I interrupted him as he is thinking wrong, "I just came here for a project of my company" I explained

"I .... I am sorry. Well where are you staying? I mean ..... I can drop you" I thought for a moment and then nodded to yes


He stopped the car, perhaps it is some park because it is first time I am visiting London.

"If you don't mind can you come with me for sometime!" How can I say him no

"But it is raining outside and ....."

"And you love rains. Don't you?" He cut my sentence

Now I have no option left except to come out with him. We were walking quietly when he asked;

"Why did not you get marry?"

"I can ask same from you" I bit my tongue. I don't know why I said this. He stopped for a while staring at me surprised

"How did you know that I am not married?" he asked and I have no answer

"Tell me Izza why you said this?"

"You did not change, I mean you are just like same as in university days so I thought that ....." I replied not looking at him

"You know Izza once Zohaib said that we can listen to each other's heart, but I ignored this and I let you go from my life" I looked at him in shock, what is he talking about, I cannot understand

"I know you won't believe me but in these 10 years, there was not even a single day when I did not feel you around me." I averted my gaze not being able to bear his piercing gaze

"What are you talking about I am not getting it, I'll take cab" Before I could move I felt my arm gripped by him

"No Izza I cannot let you go this time, it was my mistake that I did not tell you that I ......" I closed my eyes

"I love you Izza" I opened my eyes with a jerk, Am I dreaming! I pinched my hand

"It's not a dream Izza, I love you" He can read my thoughts, he can listen to my heart. Tears came in my eyes, slowly he withdrew his hand

"I am sorry Izza if I am hurting you but I do not mean it, I really love you but if you don't love me then ....... It's fine ....... I mean love is not for everyone ........ and ..........." Before he can say anything I ran to him and hugged him

"I love you Zayan, I love you more than my life, I don't know when and how? But I love you" I broke the hug and looked at him, "Why? Why you hide this from me? Why didn't you tell me? Why Zayan? Why?" I grabbed his collar

"Because I wanted to see you happy and I thought ....."

"And you thought that only Zohaib can give me happiness! When I asked you that you don't love me then why you lied to me?" I asked in tears

"Ok I was being the jerk" He said helplessly and I giggled with teary eyes

"Yes you are"

We will not think what had been passed, now when we are together no one can separate us" He gently wiped my tears, "And I promise you I will never let even a single tear to come in these beautiful eyes, just a sweet smile on your lips"

I could not believe all this. Today I got my love. I am the happiest person on this world today.

"Izza will you marry me! I know it's late but I guess not that late. Will you be mine forever?" I nodded to yes and hugged him. Now that when I am in his arms, no worry can touch me, nothing could harm me.

Loving someone who does not love you is just like watching the stars in sky; you know that you can never have them but you should keep trying, keep wishing because some of them are shooting stars that can also fall on earth. Right!


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