The Story

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Victoria was never one to back down from a fight, but after realizing her vulnerable position. She fled. Taking Blake, packing up her life, and leaving Nik was one of the hardest decisions of her life. But after all, it wasn't just her and Blake anymore. They were going to have an innocent baby to take care of soon. Blake was still too young to fully understand, and she was not letting anything happen to either of them.

She knew Nik was the love of her life, and he felt the same about her. But this love did not guarantee her a full-time protection she truly needed. She did the only thing she thought was right. She ran far, very far. Her being a witch sometimes held its own perks. Channeling Blake and her baby, she put the strongest cloaking spell she could muster over her and the children. Forever locking the father out of their lives. 

But she wasn't alone, she had the Salvatore's and a particularly nasty Petrova. But they all lived in harmony. Protecting each other, protecting Madison. The Salvatores stepped up, breaking their old ways, Stefan was married to Caroline and Damon once again was captured by Katherine. Both Stefan and Damon knew they could never fill that hole that was present in Madison's chest for a father, but damn that didn't stop them from trying. 

Victoria was a true beauty. She grew up in the only family of elemental witches, allowing them advanced powers that normal witches could only dream of possessing. She had full control over the elements, and soon enough, Blake also showed signs of inheriting the family trait. She trained him and taught him how to fight not only with magic but physically as well. Blake took her training and advanced further. Pushing himself towards greatness. 

The minute Blake saw his baby sister, a new fire ignited inside of him. His baby sister was so small and so fragile. She needed a protector, and he would be that for her. Blake was a kind boy, but the minute someone even dared to touch Madison, he would know. Let's say that person never left without a bruise or two from the older boy. 

There had been an accident a couple of months ago. Blake had suffered multiple traumas in a collision with a drunk driver. Blake didn't give a shit about himself. He had his little sister in the passenger seat. 

It had been a late night. Madison had asked her brother to take her to the library to grab a book she had been demanding for the past week. Blake finally relented and drove not because he wanted to but because he didn't want her driving this late. 

By the time they left, Madison had three books and a very big smile. This smile gave Blake the only confirmation he needed to know about taking her. Neither of them were paying attention. Blake was too busy looking at his sister, and Madison was too busy explaining her new book to him. Neither of them saw the drunk driver swerve into their lane. They only knew the headlights and the aftermath. Madison's head hit the window, which quickly caused her to lose consciousness. While Blake was being slammed in every direction. Instantly causing broken bones and a horrible concussion. 

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