Chapter 2 - Riddle School

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Author's Note: Just to clear any confusion. I know the description says Horror and if you came here excepting for a dark-themed horror like it's some Stephen King novel, I got some bad news for ya.

When I meant horror I meant funny horror. It's about a zombie apocalypse but it's portrayed in a humorous way. It says dark comedy because it's a sorta comedy thing but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. It's generally about zombies. Like ParaNorman or Coraline. Sorry if this confused you! :)
Chapter Two

Riddle School

A rather chaotic morning occurred for the Presley's. Though it was normal for them. With a loud house consisting of a geeky, hormonal, middle aged boy. An introverted, self-aware teenage girl who's a cheerleader.

A fussy toddler who will not stop crying and destroying the entire house. A pet dog who is always breaking the taps, toilet and the bathroom. A hardworking Dad who owns a company, which results in him having less time to spend with his own family. And a stressed out Mother just trying to keep the family okay.

The mother is always worrying when she doesn't need to.

Max Presley ambles through the dark oak doors on the second floor of his house. Dressed in a simple light gray t-shirt. A cactus green zipped down hoodie. A gray jacket wrapped around his waists, in addition to black jeans and green sneakers. A calculator watch on his hand and another 'Camp TDM' cap on his head. Throwing over his coal-colored headset powered by a company called 'DISCORD.' With a mic that allows him to speak to other people within range.

Just a few moments later, Max was sitting near one of the back seats in the school bus. Slightly towering over a pair of teenage girls. Just like most mornings, he was waiting for his friend. He knew his stop was a little further down the road. He pressed his head against the white-stained glass. Glancing through out and staring at the houses passing by.

He takes a dig into his backpack, pulling out a gaming device. Specifically the Hypixel Game System. He quickly booted it up and loaded into a server full of different games. As he selected his favorite. Zombies. His small blocky character loaded up in an alleyway with four other players who were unknown to Max.

After a few minutes of playing, they were on round ten. Facing one of the early bosses; Bombie. Although an ear-splitting static went through his headphones. Startling him. He pressed a button that lowered the volume.

Pulling the microphone closer to his mouth, "Hey, Ezra? You there! Hello?" He asked. But wasn't getting a response.

He began to slightly hear Ezra trying to communicate to Max through the system. But it was hard to hear over the crackling and hissing noises from the static. As the bus drove closer and closer to Ezra's stop. His voice began to get more clear.

"Earth to Max! Can you hear me?" Ezra spoke through his DISCORD Walkie-Talkie.

Although Max preferred headsets.

"Yeah, I can hear you!" Max answered, "I'm on the first bus, it's coming to you now!"

"Okay. I think I see it!" Ezra stood at his bus stop. Standing near the sets and peering further down the street to look for the school bus.

The school needed about two school buses, and Max and Ezra always did their best to get on the same one. Sure enough, Ezra saw the recognisable school bus heading straight for him. He waved out his hand. As the bus began to turn towards him. He pulled his hand back in and stepped in line as other students gathered behind him.

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