Chapter 1

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It has been a few days since Mark,Dodger,and I met Enis the annoying sparkly vampire we were all annoyed with him or I though we were It didn't seem like dodger minded him that much but Mark and I wanted to murder him, we were walking all day until we got to a river I looked over at Enis and said "what's wrong you look scared" he looked at me and said he was afraid of water I rolled my eyes and threw him in the river Mark and I laughed but Dodger didn't find it that funny "see water's not that bad" I said as Mark started going across the rocks on the river Enis looked somewhat confused then he got out of the river Mark and I were almost at the end well Enis and Dodger just started to cross it we were almost at the end when I tripped over a rock I grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be Mark he was shocked and grabbed me he didn't know this but I've had a crush on him for the longest time I blushed and looked away "I...uh sorry can you let me go now" I said looking back at Mark he smirked and said "sure" then dropped me into the river "Mark seriously" I said sitting up and splashing Mark with water he frowned and put his hands on his hips "now I won't give you dry clothes" I smirked and said "guess I'll just have to get them on my own" then I got out of the river "damn it's freezing out here especially since I'm covered in water" I said looked at Mark somewhat angry he laughed and I splashed water on him again then Dodger and Enis got across "well let's just find shelter for the night" Dodger said as we started walking, later on we found a cabin the door wasn't the best but it was safer then staying outside all night we entered and put stuff in front of the door to keep it closed "okay well there is a shower upstairs that seems clean and we have six things of clean clothes so we should all shower and Dodger can keep wearing her clothes" Mark said "We don't have a lot of water in there tho so two people have to shower at a time" my eyes widened and Enis said "I don't need to shower" I took a deep breath and smiled then looked up "I guess I'll take a shower on my own so that mean's (y/n) and Mark need to shower together" Dodger said my eyes widened Dodger went up stairs to shower and Enis went into another room to change "THERE ARE TOWELS UPSTAIRS!!!" Dodger yelled "I CALL RED" Mark and I said "THERE ARE TWO RED!!" Dodger yelled I smirked and put my hands on my hips "OKAY" I yelled up to her as I went to sit down I looked for a chair but they all looked like they were gonna break so I just went to the kitchen and looked for food I saw Mark looking through the fridge so I looked in the freezer "YEAH THEY HAVE ICE CREAM!" I said grabbing it Mark shot up and we ran over to the table I opened it up and there was barely any left and it was gross and it had grey on it "welp wanna eat the food I brought?" I asked Mark he nodded and we sat down on the couch I reached into my backpack and pulled out a bag of chips and water "well that's all I have and the chips are empty due to someone eating them all during the hike" I said looking at Mark "what I was hungry and look you almost drank all the water" Mark said "yeah but you drank it too" I said Mark looked away and I laughed "don't worry I actually hid some food and water from you" I said pulling out some cookies and a bottle of water "oh thank god" Mark said grabbing a cookie from the bag I got one too we ate some of the cookies and drank some water until Dodger called us up to shower I felt my face heat up as I put the stuff back in my backpack and brought the clothes upstairs we entered the bathroom and grabbed our towels then hung them up "hey Mark let's just not face each other the whole time okay" I said looking at my feet Mark nodded and started the shower we waited for it to heat up and then got in we took the shower and didn't look at each other the whole time I just thought to myself it's fine when you were younger you took showers together all the time it's nothing too different except that we aren't looking at each other we finished getting showered up and dried off I looked in the bag and picked out the biggest softest pair of clothes Mark did the same and then got dressed "uh (y/n) why are you wearing my clothes" Mark asked I looked at what I was wearing and blushed "they were the biggest and comfiest" I said looking Into Mark's eyes "okay" he said as we walked into a bedroom and grabbed a few blankets then headed downstairs "I see you found my chicken nuggets" I said seeing Enis and Dodger eating them Mark threw the blankets on the couch and grabbed some chicken nuggets I walked over and saw there were three left I took them and ate them then I saw Mark holding ten "Mark give me some" I said as Mark gave me half I smiled and ate them up we threw a blanket to Dodger and Enis and kept the other one "Enis and I are gonna go sleep on the bed upstairs" Dodger said I looked and Mark and smirked then they were out of sight "well we should get some sleep night Mark" I said as I put my head on the side of the couch, it was 3:00 in the morning and I still couldn't fall asleep I was really uncomfortable because I couldn't really lay down all the way I looked over to Mark who was sound asleep so I moved over and cuddled with Mark trying not to wake him up and I was successful he was really warm and comfy then he moved I thought I blew my cover but I didn't he just moved to get comfortable I sighed and smiled as I fell asleep slowly, The next morning I was the second person to wake up and I knew that because Mark was gone I yawned and went into the kitchen and saw Mark "morning (y/n) did you like cuddling with me last night" Mark asked I blushed and looked at my feet " I couldn't sleep and you looked really comfortable" I said rubbing my arm "hey it's okay we all needed to sleep so whatever helps you sleep is fine with me" Mark said with a smiled "how did you guys sleep last night" Dodger said walking to the kitchen with Enis I jumped and fell on top of Mark "oops sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Dodger said helping us up "thanks" I said and I went to grab my backpack I gave Mark his backpack I put on mine and then we left "I can't wait till we get to our destination" I said as we got to two separate paths.

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