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( i dont have a picture of this but its a scenario)

You walked down the hallway of the house you and Hizashi lived in before hearing small sobs and the noise of puking.

Recently, hizashi had been acting weird. You hadnt seen him eat in a while but just assumed he ate when you were busy. Not only that though, for the past few months, he gradually got more quiet, not really making the effort to even talk anymore which was indeed out of character for the blond. Every time you say him, he seemed to be more tired, his eye bags only getting more noticeable as time went on. If you were to have ever brought it up, he avoided the topic, typically talking about something unrelated and random.

You knocked on the bathroom door in confusion and slight worry before realizing the door was unlocked.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal the sight of the blond with his hair up in a ponytail as he was hunched over the toilet, his eyes still watering as warm tears streamed down his cheeks. He gripped onto the sides of the toilet tightly as he panted heavily.

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