purse ➸ 01

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You found yourself in a humble, pleasing cafe sitting in a booth with no one other than your own character. A waitress wearing a mono-toned apron with a short, puffy dress under approached your booth, placing a pastel-themed menu on the wooden table. "Hello, miss. Please take your time searching for whatever treats and drinks you'd like on the menu. I'll be at your service when you are ready." She bowed in a mature manner and left before you could even say 'thank you'.

You held the menu by its binding with one hand as you supported your head that was slouching on the other. 'Should I get the lemon and strawberry milkshake delight or the mint chocolate tea?' You asked yourself. 'It's a hot and muggy day outside, and it keeps raining on and off. Maybe the fruity milkshake would be refreshing.' You flipped to the desserts side of the menu and studied the cake section. 'I should get the strawberry shortcake to match the drink.' You tapped the bell on the table to notify the waitress that you were ready to place an order.

The waitress had arrived again and took the menu from your grasp. "What have you decided to order, miss?"

"One lemon and strawberry milkshake along with a singular slice of the strawberry shortcake, please." You asked the waitress.

The waitress responded, "Any modifications you'd like to make, miss?" 

"Instead of sugar in the milkshake, could you replace it with honey? I find it more healthy and natural."

"Of course. Coming right up!-" The waitress had been cut off by the screaming of a visitor at the front desk.

The visitor had spiky, blond hair with red eyes that could pierce through a child's soul.  He had been slouched with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. "What the fuck is your problem, pig shit? I asked for a booth five minutes ago. Am I at a booth? No!" The man shouted at the clerk working at the front desk.

The waitress that had been serving you rushed over to the scene. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. If you couldn't tell, there are five people waiting alongside you. The cafe is busy since it's a Sunday. Please be patient or you'll have to leave." The clerk hesitantly nodded in agreement, shivering in fear at the sudden outburst.

"This is fucking bullshit. Fine, I'll wait the damn ten minutes if it makes you sleep better at night." The man stomped over to a seat near the entrance.

The waitress entered the kitchen and came back with your milkshake and cake. "I'm sorry about the sudden interruption. My co-worker seemed afraid so I thought I'd help handle it myself." She placed the items that had been ordered on the table. "If you need anything else, please ring the bell. Also, let me know when you're ready for the check."

"Thank you so much." You thanked her for her service, and then took a sip of your milkshake. "Tangy..." You said to yourself, enjoying the taste. You took a bite of the cake, which felt like heaven in your mouth. 'Yup, I'm ordering this next!' You thought and finished up the rest of your food. You hit the bell again and the waitress came with the check.

"Please sign here." She handed over a pen. "Also, would you like to sign up for our rewards system?"

You signed the check and shuffled through your purse to find your wallet. You placed your purse on the booth and took your credit card out of your wallet. "Sure!" You told her your number and she entered it in.

Minutes later, the waitress came back with your credit card. "Have a nice day!"

"You, too!" You placed your credit card back in your wallet, and put your wallet back in your purse. Suddenly, you received a call from one of your friends, so you grabbed your phone from your purse which had still been on the booth seat, and left while still on call with your friend.

As you left, you heard the waitress call the loud man up to your booth, since you were the first to finish. 

"O.M.G! Mina, I can't believe you got into U.A! I'm so proud of you, bestie!" You held the phone up to your ear and entered your car. You let go of your phone and supported it with your shoulder as you drove home. "When you become a rich hero, I better get a cut of the money for being such a good friend."

Your best friend sighed and responded in a disappointing tone, "Actually, I was going to give a cut to my boyfriend..."

"I was kidding about the money, but don't give it to some random man. They must not even be important since you never told me about them"

Mina giggled into the phone. "I don't have a boyfriend, silly!"

"Oh, okay, good. I can't have you flirting with someone else besides me!" You joked.

Mina giggled some more. "Ooh la la... I think I'm head over heels for you." She joked back. 

A couple of minutes later, you received a call from an unknown number. "I'll call you back tomorrow, Mina. I got a call." You hung up on her and answered the phone. "Hello? Who is it?"

You heard a familiar rough, raspy voice on the other end of the line. "You forgot your fucking purse at my booth, dipshit! And if you're wondering how I got your number, it's not because I'm a creepy stalker, got it? I asked the waitress."

"Oh, it's you. My purse probably has cooties now that you've touched it. Don't save my number." You rolled your eyes.

"Cooties aren't real. Are you a child or something?" You heard a sigh through the phone. "I already left the cafe and I'm at my place right now. I'll give you my address so you can pick up your purse. You might want to come as soon as possible since you're driving without a license."

"I'll be there in five." You received a message from his number stating his address. You changed his contact name to 'ugly cootie man'. 

You arrived on time and knocked on his front door, frustrated. He answered it and stuffed the purse in your face. "Take it. I didn't steal anything from your overpriced piece of leather so you don't have to worry about that."

"Thanks, prince charming, for saving my overpriced piece of leather." You retorted sarcastically at him.

"Don't lose your shit next time."

This wasn't going to be the last thing you lost.

1,119 words. June 13, 2020.

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