book ➸ 02

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I hate begging for votes, but they motivate me to write more! Updates will be sooner if I realize that more people like this content! Sorry the chapter is short. I'm not into the MHA fandom anymore.

Comments and feedback are great, too!

Instead of going to some extremely hard-to-get-into hero school, you attend an average one for normal highschoolers with mediocre quirks that aren't flashy nor impressive. Your quirk is a simple one; you smell something and you can place its scent on something else. For example, you can smell an orange and place the scent on a pencil. Boom. Orange-scented pencil. Its got no use in the hero-world.

Because of your lame quirk, you're here at the local library studying things that would've been glossed over in replacement for training at hero academies. You're currently studying books on anatomy. Specifically, pressure points and nerves. You placed your purse down on the table and flipped over the cover of the book and pressed down on the binding with your fingertips so the book pages would lay flat.

"This is all useless..." You mumbled, tucking a strand of hair that fell behind your ear. "I don't need to know all these nerves and whatnot in the real world."

The kind of text book you had to read would give a middle-school boy a hard-on. The imagery was very graphic. You didn't really care, though, since it wasn't your first time seeing a naked woman. It was that kind of book that kids would grab and say 'look, boobies' at. If anything, it just disturbed you with the 'idealistic female body'.


"Finally." You finished reading the chapters you were assigned, and finished your notes as well. All of a sudden, you heard some commotion going on at the checkout center. There were two boys, one with spiky red hair and- ugly cootie man. Well, that's what your contacts said.

"I want that fucking book! The green one, dipshit!" Cootie man yelled, not giving a care in the world.

The librarian sighed, "We have thousands of green books. Please specify which one."

"The green one! Have you lost your mind, shit woman?!" He screeched, his vulgar words echoing throughout the library.

The red-haired one spoke up. "Quirks and Consequences: Gilded Viewpoints, please." He sighed. "Bakugo, that wasn't very kind, BUT IT WAS MANLY! UP-TOP MY DUDE!"

This 'Bakugo' left him hanging. "Tch. Whatever. Where's this book at?"

The librarian pointed towards the 'health and body' section of the library, which you were studying.

Bakugo and his red-haired friend(?) were now three feet apart from you. Not exactly social distancing, but corona isn't in the MHA world, is it?

'Fuck, what if he notices me?' You asked yourself. 'Wait a minute- so what if he notices me? It's not like I'm his ex or something.' You placed your scratch n sniff bookmark in the crevice where the two pages met and shut your book, making that satisfying 'book-sound'.

Bakugo had been scanning the bookshelves for the green book he had to read when he heard the sound of your own book slam. "What the hell? Shitty extras making loud noises in the library." He hypocritically said and turned around to see you sitting at the table behind the shelf. "Oh, it's Dollar Tree Cinderella."

The red-haired guy turned around and stopped searching for the book. "You know her?"

"What do you need, cootie man?"

"Nothing... just needed a bit of an ego boost."

"How so?"

"Looking at people drastically lower than me."


All of a sudden, your phone buzzed- it was a text from Mina.

The red-haired boy peeked over out of curiosity. "You know Mina? She attends our school."

Oh great, talented bitches. "No, she just texted me because I'm a random number, and I saved her contact." You gave him a bitch face. "Of course I know her. Her icon is literally her face. She's my bestie, duh." You grabbed your purse, remembering that you forgot it last time. "Anyways, I'm off." You stood up and left, thanking the librarian on the way out. 

For some reason you felt like you forgot something...

That damn book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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