The Rise of Kira Ren 🔥

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Rey's plan was impeccable. It was without flaw. She was going to disappear with a bang, and give the people what they wanted in the process. Virginal, goddess Jedi Rey, immortalized forever.

"Follow me BB-8... make sure you record every second of this, we need to show our friends back home how we honor Luke and Leia." Rey commanded. BB-8 chirped his assent, and rolled out of the Millennium Falcon to record her exit, and then followed behind her and she tracked across the sand on Tatooine.

Rey was actually excited that this day was finally come. Fifteen days had passed since the big meeting. She had smiled bitterly to herself that morning as she and BB-8 had landed on Tatooine. Checking herself out in the mirror, she made sure her clothes were white, without stain or impurity; her hair arranged in the three flawless, childish buns of her youth; she looked sweet, naive, pure, like the hero that the rebels wanted. She just had to make sure she played her part perfectly, and then she was free.

The past two weeks had been busy and well spent. Rey obtained a kyber crystal from the Rebel's spoils of war and had fashioned a delicate, ultra feminine looking saber, bright yellow and shining in color, perfect for her final act as Rey, if not very strong or effective for battle. It was easy to convince Poe and Finn to had over "the twin's sabers", child's play to convince them on her plan to honor the two of them in a symbolic burial. Rey vaguely remembered hearing once upon a time that Luke had grown up on the outer rim planet Tatooine; a little digging in Threepio's archives gave her the location of the Lars farm, which no one had remembered the existence of anymore besides the droid. She chose that planet simply because it was remote enough that it would take a few days for anyone from Rebel base to get too, and close enough to Ahch-To for her to carry out her plans.

She was adamant that this journey was something she would have to do alone; but she would bring a droid to record every moment of it for them all back home, she promised them. She would need to go on the Falcon too, she insisted. To honor Han Solo. In short, it was all too easy, and everyone was practically falling over each other trying to help the legendary Jedi Rey obtain the supplies she needed for her journey.


Rey followed the blue butterfly as it sauntered around, floating out into the ship hangar at Base. Rey barely noticed how eerily quiet it was; there was not a soul to be seen, no sound to be heard.

The butterfly suddenly turned mid-air, flying with purpose towards the only ship in the abandoned, empty hangar. Rey's footsteps echoed loudly as she rushed to keep up, to follow it. She couldn't let it get away! Perhaps it would bring her to something infinitely precious; perhaps it would bring her to BEN. The excitement she felt added a spring to her step as she watched the butterfly agilely duck into the Millennium Falcon.

Finally reaching the gang plank of the ship, Rey paused, senses now alert, a growing sense of panic gripping her insides. It was so quiet... TOO quiet. Where was Ben? What happened to Ben?! She needed to find him! Rey lunged forward then, into the dark Falcon, and for a few moments she could see nothing at all. A soft fluttering sound was filling the air, growing louder and louder, like the rush of a thousand fans waving all at once. Bewildered, but seeing no one, nothing but the empty ship, Rey drew out the blue saber from her side and ignited it for its light.

Looking down at the ground around her, it took Rey a moment to realize what she was seeing. The entire floor was blanketed in a fluttering, blue SOMETHING, a moving carpet, and the movement was causing the little wisps of her hair framing her face to dance and twirl about. Suddenly, with mounting horror, she realized that it was no carpet. The ship's floor was blanketed in millions of dying blue butterflies, struggling to fly with their damaged little blue wings.

Rey screamed.... and still screaming, she awoke, in her bunk in the Millennium Falcon. Drenched in sweat and mute with the horror of her nightmare, she got out of bed and went to check the flight status. They were approaching Tatooine.

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