
7 1 1

[full disclosure: things will happen in this chapter only! Read at your risk, but if you're my gf then have fun.]

Scarlett sighed as she locked herself in the bathroom of her room.

Eyes red, hospital empty, no one around and with that it gave her full on closure.

She quickly pulled out one of those  blades laying around her hospital room.

Picking up the blade, she placed it down roughly on her wrist.

She quickly dragged it heavily across her wrist watching it bleed as her breathing gotten shaky.

"I'm so sorry, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to live if people want to hurt me."

"I hate myself, I can't stand myself knowing I'm hurting you and everyone else."

"So if you find me, let me die and be with my mother. I'll miss you, but I miss her the most."

Logan was other side of the door listening to her speak, his heart shattering gently.

"Scarlett?" He quietly called out.

She jumped suddenly to his voice as she quickly opened the door tears dried on her cheeks.

"Logan! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the twins?" She asked hiding her arm.

"They wanted me to check up on you." He said softly, "Are you ok?"

"I don't know how to feel right now, everything hurts. . . I'm hurt. . ."

She soon fainted in his arms revealing her completely bloodied arm.

Logan frowned as he soon placed her in bed, "Why? Why are hiding this from us?"

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