Brock's Video

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"Hi everyone, my name is Brock Slate and this is our little campsite. It's not much, but it's what we call home when we're on the road. If you look at the position of the sleeping bags, you will notice that my two traveling companions have placed their sleeping bags rather close to each other while mine is on the opposite side of our campfire. In case you are wondering, they are exactly five inches apart. At the beginning of our journey-we've been traveling for about six months now- they were at opposite ends. Where are my two traveling companions you may ask? I sent them off to collect firewood so that I could film. I better go because they'll be back soon."

As the screen went black again, and the music came back in, I glanced at my two friends who both had a tint of red on their cheeks. I doubt they had even noticed that.

"This is Ash Ketchum, everyone. Say hi Ash."

"Uh...aren't I just saying hi to an older version of myself?" he asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"How do you know I'm not going to show this to anyone else?" I teased.

"Because if I ever find out you did, you'll be dead," Misty threatened, popping her face into the shot.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. "This is Ash's interview, not yours. You'll be next. So, just hold your Ponyta's."

She just grumbled a "fine" from off-screen, already bored with what was going on.

"So, Ash, say hi," I reminded him.

"Hi older Ash!" he waved enthusiastically at the camera. "How are you doing? Oh...wait, you can't answer hope you are doing well." He scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say next.

"You're so dumb Ash," Misty scoffed from off-screen again. I guess she just couldn't keep her comments to herself.

"I am not!" he yelled. Although, it looked like he was yelling at the camera because she was in front of us, me walking backward as I filmed him.

"Guys! Please let me finish this interview. When I'm done you can argue all you want," I begged them.

"Fine!" they both huffed.

"Thanks," I sighed. "Now Ash, is there anything you want to tell your older self?"

"Like what? I just said hi."

"Like, any goals you hoped you have achieved by then, or any questions you have about the future," I explained to him. If I had known it would be this hard to interview Ash, I would have started with Misty instead. Maybe, at least she would understand what I was trying to do.

"Oh, okay," he replied as if suddenly understanding. "I have three things that I hope you have done: Become the greatest Pokemon master ever, kick Gary's butt in everything, and have a restaurant named after you."

"You forgot something, Ash," Misty told him.

"What's that? I have Pokemon Master...Gary-"

"You better have paid me back for my bike," she reminded him.

"WHAT?" Ash narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, pouting at her. "No one cares about your dumb bike, Misty."

"Well I do!" she yelled back. "And if you haven't paid me back for it by the time we watch these, you will be very sorry."  She also narrowed her eyes and glared at Ash, challenging him to continue their argument.

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