Misty's Video

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We all sat waiting for Misty to push play, anticipating what might be on her video. Since I hadn't seen her in a while, and I remembered the approach she took to her filming, I was a little worried.

Her video started with tranquil sounding classical music as she sat on a patch of grass, a fishing pole in her hand. As we watched the scene, you could hear Misty's narrating the scene.

"This was my life before I went on my journey. I spent my time fishing for water pokemon while I rode my bike up and down the shore, enjoying the ocean breeze. I admit that things weren't as great as they may appear, having to live with three older sisters who reminded me every day how much more beautiful they were than me. That's when I decided that I wasn't going to put up with their crap anymore and left the gym, stating I wouldn't come back until I became a Water Pokemon Master. You know how that song about looking forward to what's "just beyond the river bend?" Yeah, well, unlike her, what was just around the river bend for me was not what I was looking for. My day was going great, until HE showed up, somehow getting himself attached to my fishing line."

A picture of Ash from who knows where interrupted the once serene moment of Misty fishing. Underneath it was a caption that read,  Bike Wrecker in big, bold letters. Well, I guess that sums up how she felt.

"Yep," she continued."Thanks to this idiot, my bike was destroyed and left on the side of the road for me to find. How nice of him, right? I found him in the Viridian City Pokemon Center waiting as his Pikachu received some intensive care. When he left, I vowed to him that I would follow him until he paid me back for the bike he had wrecked. And ever since then, I had followed him around until the day I had to leave."

Ash glared at Misty, waiting for her to say something to him in the form of an apology. She completely ignored his glances, staring ahead as her voice continued telling the story of her take on our adventure.

"Believe it or not, the bike wrecker has a name. He became one of my traveling companions over time-or rather, I became his. Anyways, his name is Ash Ketchum. Let me take this time to remind you of just who exactly this boy is-or possibly used to be."

"This is Ash in his natural habitat," a younger version of Misty explained as she zoomed in a shot of Ash sitting at a table inhaling his food. "He likes to eat food more than I think he likes to do anything else in the world. Sometimes, I think even more than Pokemon Training. If he didn't eat so much then he would have had enough money to pay be back by now and I wouldn't be sitting here filming him shoveling down his food."

The camera zoomed out as Misty walked over to the table where Ash was sitting, sliding into the seat across from him. He didn't even acknowledge her presence as he continued eating. Next to him sat Pikachu who was enjoying a bottle of ketchup.

"This is Pikachu," Misty explained, turning the camera on the electric mouse. "Pikachu was Ash's first Pokemon and the main reason I have no bike."

At this, Pikachu sweated, sighing. "Chu."

"Don't worry, Pikachu. I don't blame you for my bike being ruined. You were just trying to protect your idiotic trainer who got you there in the first place."

"Hey!" Ash yelled. "That's not true."

Misty turned the camera on her before she said, "Ash likes to think he's right, but he's usually wrong."

"Misty!" Ash whined. Since the camera was still focused on her, you could see her face turn into that annoyed look that, after much observation over the years, was usually meant for Ash. "I told you I would pay you back when I got the money."

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