If only he knew- Part 1

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-Draco POV-

i laid there, still, not wanting to move, my thoughts suffocating me- scared...today was the day i told harry- the day i told him i was gay. i'm scared,  what if he rejects me, all i want is his love- but instead i was just a arse to him and his friends. 

it was now time for potions, i stand and get dressed. trying my hardest to be brave- when really i'm shaking and dying inside. if he rejects me, i wont have anything to live for, only the pain and sorrow, of being alone...my dad is abusive since he was released from Azkaban, my mother doesn't care- and well, aunt Bellatrix is too busy trying to suck up to the dark lord. the only person who 'cares' is Severus Snape, my potions teacher and head of Slytherin house.

-Harry POV-

I wake, rolling out of my bed and putting my glasses on, i stand and put my shirt and jumper on as i halfheartedly tuck my shirt in and do my tie. i walk to the great hall for breakfast as i see Hermoine and Ron already sat at the Griffindor table. i run to them and flop nto the seat next to them.

sorry its so short but stay fluffy!

word count: 211

word count: 211

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