"Its time"-Part 7

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                                                                               -3 WEEKS LATER-

*No-Ones POV*

Harry and Draco were 'dating'. Draco loved Harry, Harry on teh other hand was in it for a form of revenge. Ron had been keeping a close eye on Draco, talking and getting all the dirt from Harry. The slick blonde Slytherin had been trusting the messy haired Gryffindor with everything, his secrets, his deepest ones...His feelings.....His heart.

Hermoinie hated the idea...Although she despised Draco, he didnt deserve to have his feelings and heart toyed with.

*Draco POV*

I was walking with my 'lover' down the corridor, i had been happy teh last 3 weeks we had been dating, i love him so much, i trust him. But im not too sure he loves me. I mean, i have been a bit of a asshole to him, and his friends. i think i will confront him....yes, lets do it, here and now.

"Harry..."  i spoke somewhat down-hearted, reaching and taking Harrys hand, lacing my fingers with his.

"Yes Draco?" he spoke, trying to hide his discomfort.

"Do you really love me?" i spoke slowly, hope in my eyes.

*Harrys POV*

"Do you really love me?" Draco spoke slowly, hopeglistening in eyes.

'shit!' i thought. Almost at the perfect time, like he knew what had happened called out

Ron spoke...no Yelled "HEY HARRY!....OH...HEY MALFOY!"

i could see Draco flinch a bit at the yelling, i smile, walking to Ron. Draco was walking hesitantly to Ron with me. Ron does his usual chuckle.

"Hey ron!" i smile

"H-Hey Weasley" Draco spoke, i scoffed. Dracos expression dropped.He obviously knew i was avoiding the question. i shot ron the 'its time' look.

Ron spoke swiftly "I need to go do some...uhhh...stuff with Harry....Bye!"

Ron swiftly dragged me off.

*Ron POV*

I dragged Harry into the common room, it was empty.

"Are you sure Harry?" i spoke im a questioning manor

"Im sure Ron" he nodded speaking sternly, i smirked knowing my enime would feel how i felt after all this time.

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