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5:15 am

Sitting on her burgundy jacket as the sun rises, it's rays starting to cover her figure, in her plain white shirt and her black shorts, feet with her admiral blue slippers. The wind creeps up to her skin and brushes through her blonde hair. Cold

Jeongyeon often goes by the seashore just to get away, even for a couple of minutes, from the weight of everything, it's something that keeps her sane. All those requirements from school, her parents got into a fight last night, she couldn't sleep from all their shouting, and they still haven't reached a proper agreement, oh how she wished they would reconcile as soon as possible, and her sisters can't seem to find any time to spend with her anymore, Seoyeon got married and Seungyeon has a lot of schedules that needs her presence.

Jeongyeon couldn't collect her thoughts anymore.

So she finds herself here, staring off the horizon, focuses her hearing on the waves splashing on the sand and a few birds chirping that landed on the shore just a few meters away, her thoughts remained blank until one certain girl pops up on her mind

Myoui Mina

Ahh. That girl is definitely something, she thought. The way she walks like a penguin, it's adorable. Her eyes are so pure and know no malice, Jeongyeon can just stare at them for hours if she'd let her. The moles on her face were like constellations, Jeongyeon wondered if God put them there so people would be able to look at the stars even in day time.

And that smile of hers, with the sight of that would invigorate Jeongyeon's whole body, hyping it up, waking every cell and her heart would do back flips over and over again.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the smell of saltiness from the ocean, and she lets it all out with a big huff. But before she can open her eyes, something touches the tip of her nose.

A finger.

She traces her eyes from the hand on her nose all the way to the head to know who pulled her out of her reverie.

"Your breathe smells like rotten eggs" A soft voice blurts out in a sarcastic tone

"Why. Good Morning to you too, Mina-ssi"

Mina lets out a giggle before backing away a few steps from Jeongyeon

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Mina asks, tilting her head a bit to the side.

As if in a rom-com, everything just stops, as Jeongyeon is taking in the sight, with the light emitted from the sun behind Mina's figure, she's wearing a cobalt crop top sweater with a pengu patching on it's upper left chest, black jogging pants and all white shoes, her black below the shoulder hair tied that just drops from her neck down, bangs swept to the side, lips sporting a pinkish hue.

Mina Myoui looks drop dead gorgeous.

Am I in heaven?

"Would you believe me if I said I'm on duty looking out for sea dwellers that might come walk on land and try to take over the whole world?" Jeongyeon responds, a grin plastered on her face. It elicits a wide smile from her company. And Jeongyeon thinks about what deed did she do in her life to be graced by Mina's killer-but-can-also-heal-all-wounds heck of a smile so early in the morning.

"Well, a guardian needs her strength, does she not? Why don't thy come join me to my humble adobe for a notably hearty and satisfying morning meal?" Mina offers, made her spine straight and chin slightly lifted, her hands elegantly holding each other placed near the lower part of her ribcage.

"And leave the coast unguarded and vulnerable of an enemy attack?" Jeongyeon gets on her feet. She slightly bends her right leg and puts it behind the other. Right hand rested just below her shoulder, left arm behind her back as she moves her torso forward a bit, head facing downwards "For you milady, I'd gladly"

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