Chapter2: New Beginnings

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    The way to open the lock. Made them think in and out of the box. Sooner or later. Thomas suggested they shoot the lock and joy opposes that the sound will spread and attract guards. Sandra then told them "my children think, this is a silent pistol before it gets to any ear we would be out". Thomas opposed her saying"what if we are caught". Then joy told them "its better to take risks than to sit down and watch".
     As thomas takes the pistol and take a shot at the lock it disengaged and they opened the door into the long street of nothingville. Running a little resting a little and walking a little became the routine that seem they have practice all long. Getting to the end of the street of nothingville seems like a dead end as a vehicle horizontally parked, stands on their way and trying to walk back into the street another SUV vehicle obstructs their way. Within the twinkle of an eye they were all surprised, as a tall man in tuxedo suit came out of the vehicle and  started "oh what a pity" he laughs heartily and continued "thomas i will ask you, since your seven year stay in here have you ever seen the mighty andrew stokeway?" trembling, thomas answered "no sir" the tuxedo suited man continues, "sandra,surprised right,the cctv did a good job at the party. since you have known andrew have you or joy set your eyes on him for once".
     The environment becomes tense,with a sense that the man is mr andrew.
      As more tension rises
No one dare spoke a word only what could be heard was their heavy breathing and the crickets
Thomas ,Sandra and joy took a step backwards
But the man in the vehicles brought a gun up to them saying dare to move and I will shoot all of you
He unmasked himself and behold Mr Thomas smirking and shaking his head
Touche you thought you could get rid of me that easily if only you knew me better
The person you shot back was wearing a bullet proof vest and the blood you saw was just paint. I knew you would do something stupid and here's your price to pay as he shoots Sandra and kidnaps both her and Thomas once again and they fled leaving Sandra helpless on the concrete floor bleeding
Joy kept on trying her best to fight but was hit on the head and knocked unconscious by one of Mr Andrews goons.
      Joy was put in the car as well as thomas. The death of sandra was discovered the next day by the birminghan police that supervises the 12 street including nothingville. After checking the finger prints on the dead body they found jordan's (mr andrews agent) fingerprint on it. This mistake occured while he was checking if she really died. The fingerprint is traced back to jordan blakes the no.1 of the stokeway secret service (s.s.s). The mistake became the 3rd mistake he made in his 10 years career, the first leaving fingerprints at sandra's house, the second is not surrounding joy with ultimate security. Those were his first mistakes in his career. The birminghan police searched with all their resources and the the finger print from sandra's house matched the fingerprint of sandra's death and jordan gets arrested, after months of investigation mr andrew andrew got arrested too,joy and thomas released and stokeway companies all over the city to be sold by the government to any buyer.
       They were sentenced to 32 years imprisonment.

Thomas clocks 25 , joy is 24 and they have started a new life? Build a strong relationship and built a lot of wealths together.
       The occurrence that thomas always leaves home early and come back late at night claiming he went to greet friends that joy do not know made joy to start becoming suspicious. But their love convinces her whenever she thinks of it and she did not bother asking.
       As days passed by days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months
It was currently two months  and as the days went by joy became more suspicious of Thomas and his acts of always going early and coming back late
She asked him what he was doing but he kept giving her cold replies she shrugged it off most of the times but now she was determined on figuring out where he usually goes and for what benefit to him
She made a schedule of her plans saying at exactly 6 in the morning he leaves and returns at 8 in the night
So she will leave when he leaves and returns before he do so he won't suspect
The next morning flew by as her plan went into action she followed him to various places writing down the names of the places and at one point she became so heartbroken and shattered when she saw he entered an hotel and came back out hours later looking rough and not properly dressed as when he entered.
      As he came back home,she swallowed the courage to ask waiting for a chance to catch him red handed. After eating dinner. He noticed her sober-like mood and brought up a topic on when they are going to marry and afterwards give birth,he went further bringing ideas for their honeymoon, and name of children, this cheered her up a little and he went straight saying "my joy, what would you think if we sell your houses, maybe the 5, remember one costs $50 million and all stokeway's companies and properties are worth $150 million so we can use $50m to refurnish it" joy answered "must we?,you know anything of that man i hate it". Thomas pets her and said "is that not the best way of revenge? Once he is out of prison he is wretched forever,he may even come to beg from you later". Joy said in approval "we will only after our wedding and two children". They both agree and went to bed.
     ~~~~~Thomas POV~~~~~
I have been keeping this from joy for months she has insisted me telling her and I have refused times without number and made up excuses
I really want to tell but I can't the secret have been hiding from her for so long is her birthday party am throwing a surprise birthday party for her which is coming up in a few weeks and have been planning it for so long because she is the one that holds my heart I will do anything for her to just see her smile because for her the last few months were filled with sorrows and sadness
And I planned after on taking her to an hotel and the rest is history but I can bet we will be getting married soon
I just can't wait and I hate keeping secrets and lying to her but after everything it will all be worth it.
       The next morning
Joy woke up and found out that Thomas was not by her side anymore she got upset and angry and she decided enough is enough she went to all the places she wrote down on the paper in search of Thomas but couldn't find him then she went to the last place on her list the grande hotel when she entered there she ask if a guy named Thomas checked in but they said they couldn't discharge their customers personal rooms to anyone she sadly left the hotel in tears
And she returned home
Around 7:45 Thomas returned back and she told him they needed to talk about a serious matter but Thomas said he is tired that tomorrow they should talk she asked couldn't keep it in again and blurted out what where you doing in the grande hotel
He got shocked and said....
      "Um um i have been preparing the files for the um the house selling". Joy could not believe him, she blames herself for asking him at all. Weeks went on and it was her birthday, this day thomas urged her to follow him to the grande hotel and she was eager, happy like a baby to know what her husband has been doing there. On getting there, she witnessed the best day of her life,there were flowers,balloons etc fully decorated and she felt that she can never have anyone to give her joy like thomas, she starts to laugh like a joker,smile always and had her world there. And since this day she decides not to ever question thomas no matter what. And she promised him so.
       On that very special night
Her birthday was going on and suddenly the spotlights were on the beautiful couple
Then Thomas took the microphone and knelt down on one knee joy was so overwhelmed and full of emotion as he began to speak Joy villa Elizabeth I don't know how to say this but I know we didn't start off on the right path I know u hated me because of what ur father did and am glad u finally opened ur heart to accept someone like me I know am not the kind of guy u would have dreamt of or read in a fairytale but am gonna do my best to make ur dreams come true u lighten up my world with ur smile if I had to choose anyone  over and over again it would be u I love u from the bottom of my heart so would u do me the honours of making me the happiest man in the world and  marry me ......
As he waited for her response and she answers saying...
     She was happy very happy feeling on top on of the world. And vast in emotions she sings "im gonna make this moment, and make it last forever, im gonna give my heart away to make it stay together, cos you are the one good reason, youre the only one that i need cos youre the most beautiful thing i've everseen, im gonna take this night and make it evergreen".
     Thomas asked is that a yes?
She replied yes yes yes a million times yes
Thomas carried her and they shared a kiss(insert barfing face lol) he turned back to all the guests looking and videoing and shouted it's a yes!!!
     They had a great night and they head towards home. Before the event ends they announce their wedding to be two weeks after. People were very happy to have a couple that challenge other couples in the world. Days went fast and it became a week to the wedding.
     They both woke up and had huge smiles on their faces
Then minutes later they went their separate ways to get changed she already had the cosmetics people booked down so they came to her place along with some of Joy's friend that she met over the years they came along with their clothes to wear and also vice versa for the groom
They decided to do a very royal and unique wedding
Every where was nicely decorated and organised and when she was through and also the groom was through
The groom entered the venue and walked over to the stage or podium and then his best man's followed him and stood at the corner of the podium
All the guest we sitted in the respective places then they announced the coming of the bride and a little girl dressed all cute came out and started pouring flowers on the floor and the bride herself started walking slowly step by step and to say she was stunning or outstanding was an understatement she was drop dead gorgeous she also got accompanied by the bride's maids when they finally got to the podium the  officiating minister spoke saying we are gathered here to witness the wedding of this two lovely couples but before we proceed does anyone have any objections  since no one has any objections we may proceed with the wedding and it's time to exchange vows.
       The groom was the first to speak and he began
I don't even know where to start from because u make me speechless every single day time minute u name it
Joy Villa Elizabeth I promise to always keep u happy and always make u feel wanted even if nobody does I promise to always be by ur side through thick and thin through ups and downs and I promise to always cherish our moments together.
And then it was Joy's turn to exchange her vows
Thomas Smith I know have not been the best at first impressions and I know we started out on a wrong foot but am glad u stayed and endured with my tantrums I promise u always light up ur world whenever u are down I promise to never allow tears to stream down ur face only if it is for good purpose and I promise to spend the rest of my days with u growing old together and making all the babies u want and watching them grow up to be better than us .
The officiating minister announced the exchangement of the rings and the groom brought his out and placed it on her finger after the spelling of JESUS and she also did the same with Thomas then the officiating minister spoke up now that that has been done with the power vested in me I declare u husband and wife u may now kiss the bride he lifted up her Vail and kissed her.
      So after all the exchangement of rings
The lovely couple played a game to determine who knows who best and turns out both of them knew eachother well then they went to sit down on their royal chairs and they ate their foods but the had to leave their venue so they can enter their new home where they will grow old together but before she left she had to thrown her bouquet so all the bride's maid friends and the bride's maid gathered at the back of her and she threw it and one of her good friends caught it and the departure of joy and Thomas Smith left everyone in tears and soon the day ended but it ended on a note of getting babies soon.
     Marriage is not easy, they both learned. But their love drew them closer, every time. Thomas had them have their honeymoon in the different 5 houses in nothingville and they ended it in southgate sandra's house. The populace of the couple went vast throughout birminghan and even into cardiff. The news even reached mr andrew in prison, he was so happy to hear the news, he starts to laugh without reasons. And this left a question mark in the warders minds. Doubting if he had a brain malfunction.
     Meanwhile in Sandra's house where the two lovely couple lived in
Joy fainted on the floor and she got taken to the hospital by Thomas and the doctors confirmed that she was pregnant the two of them were filled with happiness and joy. Joy started crying but it was tears of joy.
     5 weeks later,they came for an x-ray check up,the baby shows to be a boy living fine and happy bouncing like a winner, he looked exactly like thomas,they were both happy,two weeks after (7th week of pregnancy) the baby gives her headache everyday and stomach ache,no thomas at home and she feels every hour, she felt like ejecting the child immediately. When 9 months came and the baby is due she felt pain but the baby refuses to come,by the 12th week she gave birth forcefully through operation and she was feeling like crying because of the pain but at the same time she has to smile as people were there.
      After the birth of the child,the couple lived happily,until the day of the jinx a week after smith jr's (new born child) illness he became hot more than the scorching sun, and white more than the snow, fear gripped both thomas and joy with the fear that smith junior is going to die. With a rush to hamlilton hospital nearby the boys life was still at risk and he started gasping for air so badly. In the cold hands of death......

A/N: So I hope you guys like this chapter and if you have any complaints confusion or suggestions you can message me of my partner in crime 😉😉 @deyoungprof and don't forget to like and follow if you want thank you and stay safe ❤️❤️❤️

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