Chapter 4: Truth Unveiled

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   As she opened the door a broad smile showed on her face,visibly dismissing all her worries. "good day mr douglas jethro" she said showing him the way into the house and urges him to sit,as he sits he said "joy i am your agent,house agent, though you can make your decision but oh you disappointed me" burying his head in his palms, confusion is boldly written on joys face. With questions like, is this man ok ?   What is he talking about ?, she took a deep breathe and asked the man "sir i dont understand" the man shouts at her in rage " stop faking it stop faking that confusion its annoying".
    He walks his way out, and as joy tries to speak he shunned her "hold your crap,dont try inventing lies please, as he walks out of the door and stopped a taxi which takes him off leaving a confused joy.
        ~~~~~~~JOY POV~~~~~~
Please what is a heartbreak is this really what it feels like, thomas left me with a baby very young and tender, and he even took all our properties,where am i going to look for him, where.                   
  she goes crazy in thought and then her brain awakens "yes we will go to the stokeway company he must be there,but i wont go today neither tomorrow it will be sunday he will be partying and relaxing. Sunday is 5 days forward so she prepares on her journey to nothingville. 2 days later absolutely a thursday 2 days before her journey she hears another knock on her door,truly it cant be be thomas,neither will it be mr douglas, her friends ? No they live far in the city of cardif, she has no relatives,she kept guessing till she got to the door.
     Opening her door she meets a tall dark man,absolutely rich with two body guards the only news joy wants to hear right now is thomas had another surprise for her\them but the love she has for thomas jinxed her the more, because reverse is the case as she asked the man what he wants,the man said "madam you are given a notice to evacuate this place by sunday night, cos im moving in on monday morning". He walks back into his car drove off joy as she becomes confuse. "thomas why did you do this,why i loved you and gave you all you ever want, should betrayal be my award, why am i jinxed, why is my life jinxed, my dad jinxed me,my son jinxed me,thomas you did too, why are you males like this, male jinxed my mom and is here doing the same to me,why. She burst out in cry where will i go with somedays old baby, in the rain or in the scorching sun i hope this is just a dream, its even better to stay home that day, my unwillingness to stay home brought this on me." she cries helplessly with no comforter.
     She gave desmond her baby a suspicious look and said "i hope you are not a jinx too, hope you're not part of them, tell me if you are so i kill you already. She looked in her pulse she has a $50 which she had withdrawn to buy things for desmond, checking her account balance she got $1000 which she had saved in her bank.
    She took off with her $50 dollars to an islamic boutique, she bought a burka for herself which will cover her whole body and hide her identity,she bought a jalamia for her son, she bought the least expensive ones to prevent suspicions, she spent $20 dollars at the spot.
    She got home during noon and she looks for buyers to sell her property to, she sells her furnitures,electronics,her clothes and every thing, she barely left a pin of hers at the place,she removed pictures sculptures,all designs,flowers. Then she sells all her  expensive properties to alphonsius magnus the best property dealer in birminghan, she sold all of it to get a $1m in her account, she put the money on an insurance to keep for desmond in the future, getting home dark at night she has no bed to sleep,nothing in the kitchen to eat, she had to buy pancake and juice to eat, she sleeps on the terraso tiled floor placing desmond on her chest,no tv to watch the only thing she has left were two travelling bags filled with clothes and accesories then her i-pad and her wallet which consists of somemoney and her ATM card.
She remembered a popular saying of sandra saying "to get a way out of any problem you have to know the cause and effect,make sure you stop the effects then gradually you get out".
    She then think of the cause of her problem,after two minutes of thinking she concluded, "i am the cause of my problem"
As if writing a shakespearean poem she laments "i caused the problem, because i just stepped outside when everything was going right, i went to nothingville for a reason that makes no sense. I caused it, getting inlove at such an early age,24 is too young. I caused it because i refused to go to school,if i was in school that day my father wouldnt have kidnapped me. I caused it giving birth too early. I caused it marrying so early.
What are the effect?" she asked herself
"my father jinxed me"
"my son jinxed me"
"thomas jinxed me"
"in short male jinxed me". "How will i stop these effects". She furthers questioning herself. "i will never trust any man or even anybody at all" she made up her mind as she dozes off.
    The next day arrived quickly,and joy gets up freshen up herself and her son, she puts on her burka and helps her son put on the jalamia, they started walking going to nothingville which is miles away,getting to the street of nothingville where thomas and her started their love,in a young and free,and now it has turned a crowded place,which a lot of rich people have started roaming it, she stopped at a place where people gather,it was a news programme,the first thing she spotted is thomas and mr andrew, with a much older jordan blakes,she wants to read the headline when the tv got switched off.

A/N: Y'all are probably shocked like how could he,how dare he 😏 if you have gotten this far in the chapter and so grateful for all of you who clicked on this story to read. Much love from @deyoungprof without his own thoughts put into this story am not even sure I would have gotten up to this. Please don't forget to comment and like Thanks ❤️❤️

Male Jinxed Me/ Vengeance On Atrocious MenWhere stories live. Discover now