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"the action of mediating between two disputing people or groups."

Horror walked around the white abyss, grumbling to himself. His boyfriend walked alongside him as well, staying quiet but was equally as frustrated. They went across multiple Au's to find some more information about the fight between Error and Dream and so far nothing reliable. One monster said that Error turned into a shark, and that was the most believable story yet. So the two decided to try and find Error and ask his opinion on it, and it wasn't easy getting to the Antivoid. They had to get help from Fresh and that was a painful interaction filled with 90's references and cliff notes to decipher what the hell Fresh was even saying.

Though they finally agreed to make a deal with him in exchange for him taking them to the Antivoid. Now they had to find a limited edition Furby and convince Error to tell them what happened, it was going to be a long week. And then they were going to propose something to Error which might fail horribly or go well and then they get their asses kicked by Nightmare. They still had to retrieve Horror's ax as well, some fucking human decided to sell his ax when they found it on the road, Horror was about to snap.

"Where the fuck is he?" Horror growled out, wanting to have this done and over with. Dust only replied with a shrug of his shoulders, they had been wandering around for hours and they still couldn't find the damn glitch. It was seriously starting to piss off Horror, Dust spared a glance at Horror and smirked. He wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's neck and his other hand in his hoodie pocket. He leaned into Horror slightly and whispered to him.

"He might not be here, so wanna fool around?" Horror, glared at Dust and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Don't be so fucking horny all the time."

"You know that's impossible when I'm with you."

"Dust, for fucks sak-" Horror paused and looked to his left, he swear he heard a portal open or close. Did Error just get here? Then he should now they were here, he just hoped Error would be in a good mood. When Error was in the gang they got along pretty well but they weren't buddy buddies, the same goes for Dust and Error. Though both of them were surprised when he left and sort of bummed out, since Horror now didn't have anyone to watch Kitchen Nightmares with and Dust didn't have anyone to play horror games with.

"Is glitch boy here?" Dust asked, his pervy demeanor dropping. Horror decided to change their direction and head to the left, where he heard the noise come from. Horror paused when he saw a black figure in the distance, dusting themselves off and...taking off bandages? When did Error heal himself? They would always have to force bandages and healing substances on him, he always hated it for whatever reason, so it was hard to believe that Error willingly healed himself up. "Hey! Error!" Dust yelled out which caused Error to spin around and face them, his eyes wide with shock.

"dUsT?" Error spoke out, Horror hated how much he missed the glitchy voice of Error. Error had some bandages hanging from his arm, it looked broken and it was obvious he just got into a fight. Horror was glad that they weren't doing this for nothing and could actually dig up something good. Error had a suspicious look in his eyes, he was on good terms with Dust and Horror when he left but they haven't talked since he left, so why would they be here? Are they here to fight him? No, they wouldn't pick a fight with him unless ordered to, and Nightmare didn't really have a reason too. They had an unspoken agreement to just stay out of each other's way, but they can't teleport either. They had to have someone teleport them here. "wHaT aRe yOu dOinG hErE?"

"Looking for you." Dust replied with a bored overtone, though Horror knew Dust was relieved that they found the small bundle of errors. "What happened to you?" Dust commented, saying what Horror was thinking. Error was taken aback slightly, he didn't expect Dust to be so blunt about it, though what did he expect? Dust was blunt about everything no matter what, even if he knew he was going to get his ass beat. Error frowned and looked at his arm, he stayed silent but then opened his mouth to speak.

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