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ivey's pov:

i wake up to the sound of my foster  mom's piercing voice, "iveyyy, get ready for school!", ive been staying with her for around a year, she's not my favourite but she tries her best. i don't hate her or anything and i've certainly been in worse homes, but i guess i'm just tired of moving in and out of homes and never properly connecting with my foster parents

i quickly push my thoughts away, get out of bed, and put on my school uniform which consists of a thick dress which is a nightmare in the summer, and some black leather shoes, once i finish getting ready, i go downstairs to have breakfast. my current foster mom loves to prepare a whole table of options. she's been doing it since i got here. she's standing there, beside the counter holding a mug full of coffee with a wide smile on her face.

"good morning" i say with a bright smile. she does a lot for me, usually i consider it too much but i try to be positive, at least she's putting effort into having me here.

my foster mom, claudia, sits down next to me and begins talking about the neighbors. my mind slowly drifts off to another topic.

"have a great day, honey" she says before i leave the house i smile at her and wave and begin my walk to school. oh shoot, my letter. i reach into my pocket to make sure i have ruels letter i smirk and let out a sigh of relief when i feel the envelope brush against my fingers.

i walk my way to school with my airpods in, drowning out my surroundings. as soon as i pass the school gates, i've already spotted ruel and some of his shitty friends standing by the stairs. he always looks so tough and thick skinned, but i'm sure he's got a vulnerable spot.

i lock eyes with ruel as i walk in. he elbows his friends to get their attention, they glance at me for a split second and begin to chuckle when i walk away they continued talking with the rest of their friend group.


the bell rings and i start walking down the hall where ruels locker is. the hallways are packed, but i make my way through the crowd i watch ruel open his locker; locker 217. he grabs his books and turns around to make his way to first period. i sit near his locker waiting till the hallways were empty so nobody could catch me in the act

once the hallway is clear, i check my surroundings to be sure no one is around. once i'm certain, i make my way to ruels locker. i reach my hand into my pocket and grab the letter. i hold it between my fingers and debate whether i should follow through with this or not. "you know what? fuck it." i think, slipping the letter in between the slots at the top of his locker.

my first class goes by slowly but soon enough, it's second block, i was supposed to be in mrs. smiths classroom studying, but i got out with the excuse that "i was on my lady days." i go to the restroom and bring out my phone. i had taken a picture of ruels letter before i left the house, just in case if i'd have to go back and re-read it for future references.

"dear ruel,
as i woke up this morning, with sunlight hitting my face i  dream of you being there beside me.
all day, everyday, all i ever think about is you. whether it's your smile, laugh, or your defined jawline (which is hot as fuck, might i add), i can't seem to get you out of my mind.
i dreamt about you last night. we were standing in your room, the silence was taking over. until you put your arms around me, and held me for what seemed like forever. after that, we began to do unholy things, but i don't think i wanna write about that.
anyways, i was just writing to say that i'm in love with you, but i'm not ready for you to know who i am. see you around, ruel."

i giggle quietly, reading the bullshit i managed to come up with before i walk back to class

ruels pov

"the homework is so frustrating." i say under my breath before the bell rings, signaling us to get up and head to lunch. alex and i grab our books and start heading towards the hallway where our lockers are. our lockers are on opposite sides of the hallway, so we split up as we get close. i enter my code and open up my locker, to shove my books inside and before i could slam the door back shut and leave, alex stops me. "hey, that wasn't there before, it's got your name on it." he bends over and grabs an envelope off of the ground. i snatch it from him, opening the pretty pink paper to reveal a letter before i shove the letter into the front pocket of my hoodie; as we walk into the cafeteria alex and i are greeted by our friends.

bodhi shines a huge smile as we sit at our table. "yooo guys i brought pizza." he says, as he pushes a couple boxes towards us. alex and i quickly grab some slices, shoving them into our mouths. "aye what's that in your pocket?", bodhi asks as he notices the crumpled up envelope that i managed to shove into the pocket of my hoodie. "it's probably a LoVe LeTtEr," alex teases. "dude shut the hell up" i say with a stern look on my face, it's a letter from the school talking about my absences or some shit like that." i reply, ending the conversation.

later that day

i get home to see my dad sitting on the couch watching some boring ass documentary. "hey pops," i say. he ignores me, caught up in his show. i roll my eyes, walking down the stairs. as i'm throwing my bag onto the floor of my room, i feel the letter crumple in my hoodie. i reach into my pocket and pull it out. as i'm attempting to open the envelope, my phone starts to ring.

crackers🤡 answer/decline

i answer the phone, "yo we were supposed to give us a ride to bodhis after school, where the fuck are you man?" alex tells me. "oh shit i forgot. can i take a rain check? my dads being all pissy today." i lie. i love the boys, but i really don't feel like going out today. "yeah, yeah, that's alright." the call ends and i get back to opening the letter.

"dear ruel,
as i woke up this morning, with beams of sunlight hitting my face i dream of you being there beside me.
all day, everyday, all i ever think about is you. whether it's your smile, laugh, or your defined jawline (which is hot as fuck, might i add), i can't seem to get you out of my mind.
i dreamt about you last night. we were standing in your room, the silence was taking over. until you put your arms around me, and held me for what seemed like forever. after that, we began to do unholy things, but i don't think i wanna write about that.
anyways, i was just writing to say that i'm in love with you, but i'm not ready for you to know who i am. see you around, ruel."

i re-read the letter a couple of times, trying to figure out which one of the boys is attempting to fuck with me this time. maybe it's one of the fan girls from school? no it couldn't be nobody younger then the age of 13 could write like that, i fold the letter neatly and place it back into the envelope. sliding open my dresser drawer, i place it with all of my other junk. i then call alex back. "hey dude, pops changed his mind. i'll be there in a bit." i say, grabbing my keys and heading to my car.

i open the door to bodhis house and as i approach the bedroom, i hear him and alex talking about something. bodhis voice softly speaks, "i just feel so bad about it." i frown and at that moment i decide that it's rude to listen into someone else's conversation, so before alex could reply, i burst open the door. "yooo what's up!" i say, acting as if i wasn't listening to them for a split second. "ahhh, nothing we were just about to ride to the mall, wanna come with?" alex replies.

hey guys <3
thanku for reading, don't forget to vote if u want🥺

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