15 3 2


once school is finally over for the day, i walk to the parking lot with alex, waiting for ruel, he's supposed to drive us to my place so we can all hangout tonight. after 15 minutes of waiting, we call an uber since ruel has obviously left us. soon enough, the uber arrived to my house. "of course he bailed," i begin, as we step out of the uber. "yeah, i'll call him and see what's up" alex says as we walk into my bedroom. a few minutes later, alex gets off the phone call and has an annoyed look on his face. "what's up?" i say, plopping down onto the bed. "ruel wants to rain check, he says his dads being pissy today." he roll his eyes, knowing that's his go-to excuse for when he doesn't want hang out.
"yo who even cares bruh lets just play some fortnite or cod or something" and with that we begin to play what felt like a lifetime of xbox
a little later i hear a buzz at alex's phone he pauses the game to pick it up, "it's ruel, alex explains, he's coming in a bit"


the room went silent so i brought up ivey which i agree wasnt the best idea but it's been on my mind for the longest time . "bodhi , do you think doing that stuff to ivey was a good idea? we were supposed to be her best friends! we shouldn't have let ruel fuck her over like that ," i say, regretting my actions from a few months back. "well we did, and we can't go back now, we picked ruels side and now we have to deal with our decisions", bodhi replies. "i just feel so bad about-", i begin before ruel bursts through the door. alex face turns a shade of red. "we were just about to ride to the mall, wanna come with?" alex says, praying that ruel didn't hear anything we had said.
"sure i'm down" ruel says, alex and i let out a big sigh of relief


as soon as we enter of the shops, we begin to walk towards city beach because alex wanted to pick up a couple of things, ruel and i tag along and browse the stores for an hour or so. "hey i'm fucking getting hungry can we hurry up and get food already" ruel groans, a classic ruel move. i swear the boy is always hungry. i check the time, it's 5:12pm. "ummm yeah, let's go to the food court." i reply, as we begin to walk towards the food court. we split our different ways as we head to the different fast food selections we want to buy our food from. 
after we bought our food we sat at a table and began to talk

ivey's pov:

i sit alone at a food court table with my notebook spread wide, re-reading my second letter for ruel i giggle once again reading what i had written, an evil grin began to spread onto my face.  "...your dearest love-," i read to myself before my attention is taken elsewhere. i look to the side to see ruel, alex and bodhi spreading out different ways. they're here? i duck my head down faster then lightning, until i realised that this is perfect. if i want to get this letter off of me, i've gotta act quick. i sit still for a few minutes as alex and bodhi walk away, leaving ruel alone. i slowly begin to approach him having my head down as he's turned towards the maccas order line. when he begins ordering, i sneak my hand near him and carefully place the letter into his hoodie's pocket. perfect.
afterwards i picked up my things and left the shops feeling fulfilled

*later that night*

ruels pov:

"cya guys!!" i yell at the boys, who are about to leave my driveway. i walk into my bedroom and yank my hoodie off of my body. as coco walks in, i throw the hoodie onto my bed. "heyyy whats thissss?" she teases, pulling something out of the pocket. "to ruel," she reads. "aw it has a heart on it too! who's it fromm?" coco pleads with a cheeky grin, begging for information. i snatch the letter from her, not again.

"go away coco" i yell, already in a bad mood
"geez what happened to you", coco says as leaves
i shut the door and began unfolding the letter i start mumbling the words written on the sweetly smelling light pink paper it read:

my dearest ruel
hello friend welcome back
i fantasise kissing your plump lips while your soft hands are wrapped around my slim waist, i want to tangle my fingers in your slick perfect blonde hair oh ruel you have me in awe, i want your toned body against mine you give me feelings so intense that i can't begin to explain or even comprehend,
you've taken up my mind.

your dearest lover x

i groan in anger i want to know who this mystery woman is

-authors note
hi guys idk where i'm really going with this but yea ahhh

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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