Chapter 1: new life

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Where am I?

I don’t understand what is happening. All I can remember is working on a project at home, and then suddenly, my door burst open, and there was a bang, and I woke up here. I don’t know how much time has past, but it must have been awhile. To move me from my home and put me wherever here is.

I’ve tried to learn about my surrounding, but there isn’t much to learn. I can’t turn around; I can’t reach out far, as my hand hits a squishy wall. And there is something wrapped around my throat. It’s not that tight, but it’ll definitely leave a bruise. Though I could hear thumping in the rhythm of a heartbeat. It’s too loud to be my own, and I can feel it vibrate all around me. 

Floating about for another few hours, I start to notice something is changing. The wall is pulsing; they come in tight, pushing my arms to my body. I can hear someone moaning; they sound close is someone else here stuck too? Suddenly I’m pulled in tight, and water rushes past my face. The rope a round my neck pulls tighter, choking me. Help! I can’t breathe. I can’t reach my hand up to pull at it. There’s screaming in the background as I somehow move forward, I’m suffocating. Oh, God, I’m dying. My chest is tightening my head is banging. Someone, please help!

Something grabs me, it was tugging me forward gently but quickly. The cold air hits my face, but I’m already fading. Something ice-cold touches the back of my neck, and then there’s a sudden release around my neck. I desperately start to suck in oxygen—air beautiful air. Smack! I stop dead holding my breath. What. The. Fuck. Who the hell just slapped my butt. Who fucking hits someone butt who was just nearly suffocated.  Smack! I blow up, I try to shout out, but it only comes out as a scream. I’m then gently covered up in a soft towel. Wait, I’m being held, have I shrunk or are these people just giants. I’m passed to someone who’s crying and there cuddling me and gently speaking to me but I don’t understand.

Ooh. I’ve just been born.


So it’s been a few weeks into my new life. I don’t have much control over my body; I can move my arms up and down, I can grab stuff, but other than that, not much movement. There has been a lot of sleeping. And I mean a lot. I can’t really tell how long I’m up before I’m back to sleep. Another worrying thing is, I know babies start out with pretty much no vision but slowly start making out shapes and light. But mine is still pitch black. Like really really black. No even a tiny glimmer of light.

But I’ll wait a bit longer and just keep my fingers crossed.

Being a baby has given me a lot of time thinking a bout my past. I am trying to understand how it happened. How I even got here. Did I die? Or am I just dreaming? The thinking was to much for my baby brain. I cried none stop for the first week one from the headache my thinking cost and two I was/ am terrified about what is happening, also I miss my family and friends. The second week I just made no sound just trying to imprint my old memories pushing past the headache, I don’t want to lose my memories. 3rd week I’m still silent and starting into space but I now can hear how much stress and worry I am causing my new parents. They’re always holding me, cuddling me and whispering sweet nothings to try get me to react. I feel horrible I’ve caused them so much panic in there new parenthood journey. You can hear the tiredness in their voice.

I have distinguished that they are speaking in Japanese. So on top of learning to control my body again, I’ve got to learn a new language. Though the reason why I have come out of my funk today is that we are leaving the house.  I haven’t left the house since we first came home from the hospital. So I’m quite interested in what I’ll hear and smell. Also, it sounds like it’s cheered up my new mum with actually interacting with her. Which is just me gurgling at her and turning my head to hear where the sound is coming from.

Before leaving my new mum strapped me to her chest with some sort of cloth which had me hugged securely to her chest with my little legs dangling at her side. It is surprisingly comfy.

Walking through the busy street I could hear children playing and adults chatting away. We get stopped a few times, adults talking to my mum and in aww at seeing little me but I hear some weariness in the voices and they say things that sound like they are trying to comfort my new mum.

The air smells so fresh and I can smell food cooking was. It smells delicious and it making me hungry.

We walk for about ten minutes to get to our destination and it smells clean. So I guess we are at a check-up appointment at a hospital or a clinic.  Mum goes up to what I think is the reception desk and says some words and gets a reply back, and we move to sit down. We wait about five minutes until I hear a call out “Tsuchi Mizuki.” With that, we stand up again and make our way through.

A couple of bowings and I’m out of the wrapped carrier being held by mum. She talks with the doctor a bit, and then the checkup begins. I get prodded quite a bit. Some reaction test to my elbows knees feeling the instant kick out at being hit in this funny spots. They also do something peculiar. They hover their hand above my eyes and I feel a warm welcoming heat feed it’s way through my small body. It feels amazing and quite sleepy. The doctor does more test around my head scribbling down stuff as she goes till she finally sits down to talk to my mum. I hear “buraindo.” A few times, mum repeats it a few times her voice shaking. It sounds lot like blind. The doctor tries to calm her down and treasure her. She sounds confident. This isn’t going to stop me living my life. But it sure as hell going to make learning a new language difficult. Now I wished I had the baby brain to pick things up. Though I seem to have picked up emotion better than I did in my other life  which will hopefully help me learn some of the stuff people are saying to me.

Making our way back home mum stops at a few shops she feels very somber and just kind of floating through the streets. I think I’ve taken my own blindness better than to my mum. We enter one store and it’s a strong smell of flowers that I have a little sneezing fit which makes the occupants and my mum cue. She greets someone with the name “Yamanaka-sama.”Which gets my head ringing warnings bells. No, Yamanaka is a popular name in Japan. It’s just ironic that they are in a flower shop. I’m just being silly.

Gathering some flowers up and paying for them we make are journey back home. The house is quite as new dad is at work. I never have both parents throughout the day. One will be working, and one will look after me. But a big round of applause for how equally they share the work. Days with dad are no different than days with mum. Well, there is one thing. With dad I get a bottle of milk. With mum… it’s the boob. I prefer the bottle, but the boob does make me go to sleep having the heartbeat thumping next to my ear is really relaxing. I do like my new parents they are both pleased with having a child and I can tell they are going to spoil me. But I keep on comparing them and that’s not fair. I need to try at least be present in this life and be the child my new parents deserve. Not a reincarnated being, brooding about their old life when they have a new one to live.

I need to accept this new life.


It’s a few hours later when dad comes back home from work. Mum gently shuffles him into the next room to talk. I guess about today’s appointment. The words sound muffled with the low tone they are using through the wall but I can hear the sadness and the reluctance to accept it. Dad starts to speak louder and urgency in his voice; he sounds petrified. Is it that bad that I’m blind? I mean plenty of people live their lives independently with it. Mum sounds like she is trying to calm him down and reassure him that everything will be okay. There’s a bit of banging and a door slam shut. She comes back into the room with me and gently cradles me crying. She whispers something into my head that’s probably encouragement. That I’ll be okay and that we will get through this.

I believe her. And I will be independent.

Here is a new story. I know many readers don't like self-inserts but there's just something about them that I love so I wanted to try it out.

Thank you for reading I know this chapter is kinda rambly but that because she doesn't understand anything and it trying to take it all in

Also I don't own Naruto. Not the plot and not the characters I only own my original characters.

Thank you again for reading

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