Chapter One: New teeth but the same Fang

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The wave of heat made the desert sand burning to the touch for bare feet. A town recently set and inhabited by more Faunus then Humans due to most their having higher advantages against the heat. The town is a peaceful one living happily without threat of grimm.

That does not mean there were no threats though. On one of the streets a male fennec fox Faunus was dragged out and thrown onto the ground.

Man: N-no please!

He tried to get up only to be kicked down by the one who dragged him out...a member of the White Fang, though unlike the usual white they clothing was pitch black. In fact many members were standing in the street with guns as more people could be seen either outside on the ground or being dragged and Human alike.

There were black containers that growls could be heard coming from, a white fang member stood on each side of said container.

Children cried hugging their mother's or father's that held them close ready to protect them with their all. Noise filled the street as people were asking question upon question and pleading.

"W-why are you doing this?!"

"What have we done to you?!"

"Please...please don't hurt him! Please!"


"No my baby! Don't touch my baby!!"

"We have been at piece wh-"

A loud gunshot made all of them fall silent as everyone turned to a women walking out from between the two containers. She wore a black jacket with a red outline covering a black shirt. The jacket was buttoned in the center over her bust while the rest downward remained unbuttoned due to either a fashion choice or the heat. She wore black pants with a red chain, black gloves and boots that kept the black with red on the bottom and outlining the hole her foot would enter. The women wore a mask that only matched the design of the former leader, Adam Taurus and her hood was up.

The women was walking towards the group lowering her arm that had a revolver until she holstered it. A katana was on the other side of her waist, sheathed and a tail swayed behind her, it was black and matched a wolves.

Women: I hear you all....asking why we do this....why suddenly we walk into this town...and rip you from your all know who we are....what we are....

She stopped inches away from the mass of people who cowered in fear.

Women: Alaina Mateo....leader of the new White Fang....I plan pick up where the great Adam Taurus left off

She drew her blade, it was blood red as she aimed it at the crowed and her voice held venom.

Alaina: You are all traitors! Traitors to Faunus kind! Letting the Filth that is the human race live along side you and blindly support them!

The people shook in fear as Alaina glared at them behind her mask.

Alaina: Humans have stolen from us....enslaved us....and now without grimm they can gain even more power and disguise it!

One of the white fang lifted a women up by her faunus ear's. The member began dragging her towards Alaina. The women cried and struggled against her captor as a little girl reached for her being held back by her older brother.

Little girl: MOMMY!!! *sob sniff* MOMMY!!'

Older brother: No...stop...they'll get you!

Women: No please! Please at least leave my children alone please their all I ha-*THWACK* Ahh!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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