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He totaly didn't win. He had a theory he was never going to win. Like, ever.

Almost as soon as his shirt was off and all she had left was her matching lace boy shorts and bra that made him want to do really dirty things to her, there was a knock on his door and it didn't stop.

"Hey, Ethan, postmates is here!" Grayson called through the door and he let his head drop onto Emma's shoulder, letting out a loud groan that just made her laugh.

"Fucking Grayson, fucking postmates, fucking...fuck." Ethan muttered as he got off of Emma and started to get redressed. He waited for her to do the same and then unlocked the door to his room.

Luckily, Emma hadn't tried anything while they ate, but after dinner, she and James decided they wanted to play with the karaoke machine Grayson bought in a recent video and well, Ethan was starting to get frustrated again. And the best part was that Emma wasn't even touching him.

After James finished his song, Emma looked at Ethan and proclaimed they were next.

"It's our turn." She winked at him. "And we're going to sing a duet."

"Figured." Ethan muttered and then smiled sweetly at her when she gave him a look.

She gave him the microphone James had been using and then started the song, smirking at him. He heard it and then looked at her.

"Yes, Ethan, we're singing this."

"Really? We're singing High School Musical."

"So its really happening, okay."

"You're soaring, Ethan, flying." Grayson joked and he made a mental note to smack him later.

The only thing he wasn't counting on (since it was a Disney song and all) was that Emma was going to turn it a whole new direction. He hadn't known it was possible for High School Musical could be that dirty until he sang the song with Emma.

"Soaring, flying... I really hate this song, there's not a star in heaven we can't reach, ow, Emma!" He glared at her and she just smiled as she sang the next verse.

"You know the world can see us, in a way that's different than who we are..." She kept going, winking at him and making gestures towards him that made him feel the song wasn't as Disney as Disney wanted it to be.

They continued the song, with Emma still doing her suggestive dancing and winking and licking of her lips. Ethan wasn't sure if he wanted to throw himself off the nearest bridge he found or out of a moving car the next time he was in one.

By the time it was over, he had grabbed her hand and twirled her so that she was a closer to him. Holding her close and tight he looked down at her (because she was so much shorter than he was) and then leaned in.

Then he heard clapping.

Then he wanted to kill Grayson.

Then Emma moved away laughing and James pulled her to sit on the couch with him.

Goddammit the universe really was against him.


The first time Emma had suggested they take a shower together, he had spit out his drink. They were currently on part 2 of the sister squad roadtrip vacation when she suggested it. Luckily he had been drinking water and it wasn't all over her, but it was still a shock to him.

He had looked at her in surprise and she just smirked, she wrapped one of her curls around her finger and then pulled on it, biting down on her lip. He knew she was up to something whenever she did that (because it usually meant she wasn't as innocent as she let on).

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