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"This time, we're gonna do this right."

Emma felt a whole new wave of feelings arise deep within her... something much larger than just little butterflies. Something that shook her to her core...

They had been officially dating for 2 weeks now and still they had not reached the "finish line" together. After the whole shower ordeal, Ethan felt incredibly guilty that their first time was ruined by their lustful hormones .He wanted to make it right after they became official because he wanted to demonstrate he loved her, and not only her body. He wanted to prove his undying devotion to her. What touched her the most was that he didnt have to do it. She knew full heartedly that what they had was deeper than anything physical.

However, he took it upon himself to book a surprise getaway to Paris.

How was he so sweet? How was he so romantic? How was he so sexy and so considerate all in the same moment? He amazed her, and the overwhelming passion she was feeling for this boy was something much more intense than your typical high school puppy love.

She gazed back and forth between his two eyes and smiled softly up at him, watching as the flicker of the candlelight danced on the moisture of his eyes and lips. "Sometimes I wonder if you're for real..." she whispered, her own eyes getting misty with tears as she replayed his words from only seconds ago over in her head.

Ethan was at a loss for words. He held himself above her with one arm pressed into her mattress; his other hand caressed her cheek and lips as he dipped his head and captured her lips in another slow and languid kiss. He inhaled through his nose and breathed in her scent before parting his lips lightly and tangling their lips together.

Her lips were so soft... and so plump. He loved the way they felt dancing along with his own. She was an amazing kisser, and he was sure that if they were to lie like this all night he would be able to kiss her just like this... all night. He found a comfort like never before when he was wrapped in her embrace. How had he fallen so hard for this girl, his best friend... in such a short time of knowing her?

He could easily blame what he was feeling on the events that had occurred when they began teasing each other. But if he was truly honest with himself, he'd know he felt for her much longer than that. Possibly even from the day he had met her.

There was just something incredibly amazing about this girl... he didn't just want to give her good sex and receive it in return, he wanted to make love to her. Maybe if he did this right, if he could in fact make love to her the way he longed to, then she would understand, without the words and the awkwardness of talking, what he was really feeling inside.

Emma smiled softly into the kiss, loving the way he let their lips tangle and their tongues just barely brush lightly along one another... a sweet relaxed kiss that wasn't sloppy or heated at all. It was full of passion, and she found it to be insanely romantic.

She sighed in contentment when she felt him finally lower himself and place his weight down on top of her, carefully so as not to crush her. But she loved the way his body felt pressed against her own. He wasn't too heavy, but he wasn't light. There was just something about it she couldn't really put into words. She just felt safe beneath him.

She ran her hands up from his sides, feeling the contours of his oblique muscles and the swell of his rib cage. She could feel the goose bumps forming a trail following her fingers and she smiled a little wider, happy with the effect she was having on him. She wrapped her hands up over his taught back, and gripped his shoulders, pulling him even closer to her, if that was at all possible.

Emma bent her knees and squeezed him lightly between her thighs as she sighed contentedly into their kiss, tilting her head to allow him deeper access to her mouth. His kisses were slow, and gentle, but his body was firm and searing against her naked chest. She needed to feel more of him.

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