1. Aedion

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Disclaimer: This is my first ever wattpad story.. I'm not even sure if I'm all too great of a writer, I just wanted to do something to get my mind off of life for awhile. If anyone ends up reading this, please give tons of feedback and tell me stuff.. Thank you! Okay, now onto the story haha.

Prince Aedion Ashryver was angry. Angry at Aelin for not including him in her plans, for not trusting them enough to tell them what was going to happen, and for letting herself get taken away without so much as a scream; he was angry with Lysandra for agreeing to Aelin's plan- to take over her life as queen so no one would be able to notice Aelin was missing; lastly, he was angry with himself for yelling at Aelin about their lack of allies. Where are our allies? He has asked her again and again, each time the question getting more pointed up until he screamed the words at her. And Aelin had taken it, knowing full well what she was going to have to do, what she would have to sacrifice for us to be able to beat Erawan and Maeve back into whatever hellhole they had come from. 

Aedion could hardly stand to be around Ansel, her personality was far too similiar to Aelin's and it caused Aedion's chest to hurt even more. Aedion also wasn't a fan of Ilias, he was far too quiet for his company. He couldn't even look at Lysandra without feeling the hole in his heart widen. Gods, Lysandra really played a good Aelin, she had gotten Aelin's smile - that little smirk that would drive most males insane - down. If Aedion hadn't known any better, he would have thought Lysandra was actually Aelin, and not some impostor that was acting the part for her queen. Aedion couldn't help but think of Aelin everyday, there wasn't much to do besides train, so in between sessions he would think of all the ways he would kill Maeve, he would do it slowly, while also giving Aelin and Rowan time to do anything they wanted to her as well, and he would make sure his Queen would get the final blow. The final strike and they would finally be free to live, that is if everything else went according to plan.

                                                      * * *

The boat lurched to a halt as they finally made it on shore. Aedion had never been one that liked boat rides and he was glad when he felt the dirt beneath his feet instead of wooden boards. He felt as though his body still moved with the waves, bobbing up and down and lurching side to side. Galan had drawn the short straw and tonight his army was in charge of setting up camp. Aedion had forgone his usual tent and instead opted for one of the smaller ones - one that had no room for any extra people - he had wanted to be alone nowadays. He laid in his cot and soon fell asleep.

As soon as Aedion had closed his eyes to sleep, they had opened in a dream. A dream in which he was walking through the Oakwald Forest, which he thought was strange considering they had to have been about a day and a half's ride out from where the forest was. As he was walking he came across a clearing; in the middle of the clearing stood a doorway, but there was no building for the door to go into. The doorway was shrouded in mist and glowed a deep purple around the edges. Find this doorway and you will find Aelin said a voice coming from inside his head.

"How does this door lead me to Aelin, to my Queen!" Aedion shouted to the Forest, hoping whatever being said this would hear him.

Go in the door and all will be revealed. All of a sudden there was a flash of light and standing right next to the door was Elena, daughter of Brannon, the first Queen of Adarlan. Elena moved towards Aedion, the bottom of her dress remaining still as if she were floating across the forest floor. "Find this doorway Aedion, I beg of you! Save Aelin, save Erilea!" Faster than he could register, Elena dissipated into the wind like ash caught by a breeze.

Aedion was about to explore the area a little bit more when he was pulled out of his slumber by the gut-wrenching cries of pain coming from every direction. He swiftly got out of his cot, strapped on his armor and grabbed the Sword of Orynth. Grabbing the man nearest to him he demanded to know what was going on. "The army of the Valg has reached us!" The soldier exclaimed.

Sure enough, Aedion looked up and saw the Ilken flying through the sky and landing on the ground. This should be fun, he thought to himself as he charged into the largest cluster of Ilken and unleashed himself upon them.

Sorry if this is too short! I'll try and get better at writing longer chapters if y'all want that! Please remember to give feedback and be brutally honest!

Peace ✌

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