Ch.3 Interrogated by a Bat

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Hello again readers. Sorry this update has taken a while. I've been such a procrastinator lately, more than usual. THANKS SO MUCH FOR 160+ READS!!!!
Anyway tell me what you think in the comments. LANGUAGE WARNING(from Jason of course)
                    POV DICK

"Percy Jackson. Wow! There's not much personal about him that I could find, but he's known for causing a lot of trouble and/or being there when bad things accured.
16 years old.
1st stepfather-missing
2nd stepfather-deceased
5 year old sister in foster care.
No job records. No medical records since he was 12. No social media.
He's been expelled by 6 schools by the time he was 12. Apparently he was framed for kidnapping his mother but was then discovered that he had been kidnapped along with 2 other children. Since then he's been seen all over america, seen near multiple monuments before they were destroyed in someway, was even spotted heading toward Mount St. Helens before it exploded." Tim exclaimed taking a breath before continuing. "And that's not even all of it. He's been spotted doing crazy stunts or near unexplainable events. He was even seen leading a group of kids through New York when everyone else was in a coma like state. Most recently though, about a month ago, he was seen with a group of kids in Greece on what people said was a flying ship and were seen (A/N: let pretend that the gods somehow managed to be more helpful and teleport eveyone to Athens instead)fighting adults and wild animals. But everyone involved in whatever happened in Athens disappeared he was the only one seen after that. He was found bloody with multiple injuries and teared clothes walking in the streets of New York trying to get back to his mother's apartment. But apparently he had gotten there only hours after his mother and stepfather were murdered with his little sister in the apartment when it happened(A/N: she didn't see it though, I'm not that cruel). Estelle was put into the system and Percy was taken to the hospital but a day later was able to escape just as he was about to be questioned by the police" Tim concluded exasperated.

Just as I was about to reply to him, I was interrupted. "Geez this guy has bigger fucking record than me, yet there's less fucking information on him" Jason and Damien walked into the observation room looking grim. "Why are you guys back so soon? Did you find her?"I asked hopeful, although I knew what the answer would be. They shook they're heads looking frustrated. "How the fuck is it so hard to find one fucking kid" Jason groaned exasperated. "I don't know but whining isn't going to help and we need to find her before anyone else does" I say firmly. "Well Grayson, how do you suppose we do that?" Damian exclaims while slumping down on a chair oh so graciously. "We'll figure something out" Tim answered for me, still trying to find more information on this Percy Jackson. "Wasn't talking to you, Drake" replied, Damian annoyed. The two continued bickering as I notice the boy start to wake up.

"Hey guys" They didn't listen. "Guys~" Still arguing. "GUYS!!" finally they all turn to me. "Look he's waking up" I point to the boy who hazily looked around the room he was in, analyzing everything around. We all stared at him through the one-way mirror as he looked around for a minute before looking up to the window. He was staring directly at us. "Do you think he can see us" Jason's voice finally broke the silence. "Not possible, even if he knows its a one-way mirror, he can't possibly know we're here" Tim answers still staring at the boy as if not believing what he said was true.

I snap myself out of my shock and quickly stand up from where I'm sitting. I quickly start walking toward the door. "I'll go tell Bruce he's awake".

                      Pov. Percy

I jolt awake from my oh so fantastic nightmare to find that I'm handcuffed to a chair. 'Great I've been caught by the spandex dudes' Groggily, I looked up, having to blink a couple times to adjust my sight to the bright lights. Slowly, I look around to find that I'm in an interrogation room. Looking straight at the one-way mirror in front of me, I can sense 4 people on the other side. Most likely those spandex guys that kidnapped me. At first they seem to be frozen in shock or something before one of them gets up and leaves the room.

5 long awful minutes pass as my ADHD(A/N: I'm not exactly sure how ADHD works so just bare with me and let me know if I'm wrong about something) and impatience starts to catch up with me. "Hey so are you gonna tell me why I'm here or am I just gonna sit here until I die of boredom" No answer. "Can you at least tell me where my sister is?" No answer. Another 5 long minutes pass and I find myself fidgeting with my handcuffs. 'Hmm maybe I can get out of these handcuffs'.

Finally after what seemed like hours, I hear someone approaching the door. With a small clicking noise the door opens wide to reveal.....a man dressed as a bat??? 'Huh, not what I was expecting, but I've seen weirder'. I watch as the man bat walks over to stand in front of me. He just stares at me as if calculating my every small movment. Annoyed I say " can you stop staring at me and tell me where my sister is" he doesn't answer my question. Instead he asks in a gruff voice "do you know why you're here?" Knowing where this was leading to I just roll my eyes. 'They probably think I'm a criminal or something because of the mist. Ugh this is gonna be annoying'. Sighing I look up annoyed. "Look whatever you think I did, I assure you it's either a misunderstanding, 'wrong place, wrong time' senerio or an accident" I can tell that Batdude is not satisfied with my answer.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson". "Percy" I correct him, but he ignores it and continues. "Father-unknown, Mother-recently found deceased" I flinched when he said deceased, but either he didn't notice or didnt care. "1st Stepfather-went missing around 5 years ago, 2nd Stepfather-recently found deceased along side your mother". Again, I flinched. " Step sister- put into foster care, any other relatives are unknown. Said to disappear in the beginning of summer only to be spotted all around America with other teens and recently in Greece with several other teenagers. But something that involved you happened recently and those several teenagers and about 100s of others disappeared. All except you. So I'm pretty sure that's not a 'accident'". And Again I flinched when he said accident. 'He's right it wasn't accident. It was my fault. I'm supposed to be the great hero, the savior. The great Percy Jackson. Some hero I turned out to be'. My eyes darken but my face remains blank.

"Like I said 'wrong place, wrong time. And those kids aren't missing. Like it matters anyway". That seemed to peak his interest, but he didn't show it as he glared at me. "What is that supposed to mean, where are they then". 'Sounds like he's accusing me. Eh, it is my fault though,'

Sighing I look down. "It doesn't matter because they're all dead. I'm the last survivor" my voice was a whisper but somehow it echoed throughout the room, quiet and eerie. "What do you mean you're the last survivor?. What happened?" Well I guess its time to test out my lying abilities. I've gotten better over the last couple weeks. "I said what I mean, I'm the last survivor. The rest of them, all of them are dead. And as for how they died, well they were all slaughtered." He stood there in silence of what I assume was him processing how hundreds of kids could all be murdered and who would've murdered them. If only he knew.

I can tell that the other 4 boys were listening in and were in current shock of this information. Finally, man bat spoke. "What specifically happened in Greece?" I sighed. 'I can only hope that he believes what I say. I mean in a way, I am telling the truth, just not the whole truth. "War. War happened." This just seems to confuse batsy even more. "War? What war, against who? How has this gone unnoticed?"

"It was a war against family. And us kids got caught in the middle." Batsy looked to be getting annoyed by my incomplete answers. "What do you mean your family" he said this gruffly, annoyance clear in his voice. "My family isn't normal, they all want power. And currently uncle Z is on top. There are 13 others by uncle z's side, my father being one of them. People who do know about the 14 are normally the ones trying to over throw them. A couple years ago my grandfather tryed to take over. But that didnt work out seeing as we stopped him." Batsy cut me off. "Who's the we"

'Geez I really regret deciding to talk'. "We as in kids of the 14 and a couple other followers. The 14 make us fight for them, no matter what age we are. No ones ever made it to there 20's we were always killed off by someone who had a grudge against our parents. I'm the oldest, well was the oldest." "So all those hundreds of kids were all children of these 14." Wow, I'm really starting to get a headache. "Well yes, but not all of them have children. The ones who do have affairs with humans and well they have children. So rarely any of them were actually full blooded siblings. Anyway, most recently Great Grandma decided to try to take a whack at trying to run things. She had thousands and thousands of soldiers on her side. We won, but everyone died. Everyone except me...

I'm the last survivor in this sick and twisted game that our parents make us play."

1696 words

So I kind of got writers block making this chapter, so sorry if it sucks. I'll fix it later. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

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