Chapter 1

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It was a day like any other, but little did I know that this seemingly ordinary day would change my life... 

My alarm clock blared noisily in my ear, waking me up from my sleep. I groaned and felt around before turning it off and ceasing the loud sound. I stumbled out of bed and  made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before pulling on my uniform. I put on  my favorite red shoes before grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

 I start the walk to school and get there 10 minutes early. Iida was already in there which is no surprise. A few of my other friends were there too so I decided to go talk to them for a bit. "Hey Uraraka!!" I said with a smile. She turned to me with a bright smile "Hey Deku!! You ready for class today?" "Yeah I'm just a bit tired is all" we continued to talk for a while but then the conversation when Todoroki, my boyfriend, walked over. He didn't say anything but simply moved his head in the direction of his desk. Without a word I looked down and started to walk to his desk. "Talk to you later Ura!" I said forcing fake happiness into my voice.

 I sat in the desk in front of Todoroki's and he sat down at his desk. "What were you doing talking to her before you talked to me today? You didn't even text me today. You'll be punished for that later" I started to say something but I was cut off when the rest of our classmates walked into class and the bell rang. I quickly went to my desk and sat down. 

I pulled out my schoolwork and pretended to look at it when, in reality, I was getting lost in thought. You see, Todoroki is a bit abusive. I personally don't like calling him that but there's no other word for it. When I don't act the way he wants me to and I don't say the right things he gets mad and hits me. He's sent me to the hospital a few times but I always say it was because I can't fully control my quirk yet. A  few times he's gone too far and almost killed me. At first, he seemed sweet. We've been dating for 3 months now and it took a whole month before he even showed his abusive side. Sometimes he can be sweet but that's rare. I had to start buying concealer to cover up the bruises he leaves on me so no one will ask questions. I tried to leave him once but he beat me so badly I was hospitalized for 3 whole days. After that, I've been too scared to try to leave him again. 

The bell rings, startling me and signaling the end of class. A few more hours pass and lunch time rolls around. I go to the table we normally sit at only to be dragged to a different table by Todoroki. "No more sitting with them at lunch. Only me. Got it?" "Yea I got it." I look down at the table sadly and take my lunch out. "Don't eat that, you're getting fat." I don't say anything and pack my food back up. I turn back to talk to Todoroki when the door to the cafeteria slams open and Bakugo and Kirishima walk in. 

"WHAT'S UP EXTRAS?!" Bakugo yells as he walks to a random table and sits down. I smile a bit when I see him but quickly stop when I realize Todoroki is staring at me. "Him? You're paying attention to him and not me?!?" His voice was steadily getting louder and people starting watching us. "YOU ARE MINE NOT HIS YOU LITTLE SLUT!!!" Todoroki slapped me and grabbed me by the shirt to pull me closer. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to!! I just-" he wrapped his hands around my throat and started strangling me. He picked me up, still strangling me and gave me a swift kick to the stomach before throwing me across the room. He walked out and slammed the door. I hit the ground pretty hard and let out a scream of pain. The last thing I remember was seeing all of my classmates faces above me. The room got darker and darker...

*Bakugo's P.O.V* 

After everything with Todoroki happens everyone crowds around Deku. "Move you fucking idiots" I say pushing through them. I pick Deku up before bringing him to recovery girl. She takes care of him and soon he starts to wake up. "Don't tell him I brought him here" I say before walking out to see our whole class except for Icy-Hot waiting to see how Deku is. "Some of you can go in because he's waking up but not too many people at a time in case it stresses him out. Classes for the rest of the day were cancelled as everyone heard what happened. At the end of the day I decided to walk home with Deku just to make sure half-n-half wouldn't attack him again. We walked together, him skipping and talking and me listening and scowling. We had gotten closer to our houses when I smelled something faintly burning. I sped up my pace a bit until I came right around the corner. I gasped, and stopped dead in my tracks. Deku ran into me and looked around me before seeing what I saw. 

Without even thinking he ran right towards the danger and there was nothing I could do to stop him.  His house was on fire and we both knew his mom was inside and of course the dumbass had to go run into a burning building. I called as many people as I could to come try to help. After help arrived the fire was put out but neither Deku nor his mom came out of the house. I ran inside despite everyone shouting at me that it wasn't safe.I could hear the creaking of the house when I was running into the house but I didn't care. I ran to the kitchen first because I figured that's where Deku would've gone first. I run in and look around before going around the counter to see Deku sprawled out on the floor. I pick him up and gently throw him over my shoulder. I run out of the house and let other people go look for Inko. I blast my way to the hospital and get help for him as best I can. The rest of everything is kinda blurry due to me being high on adrenaline. The next part I remember clearly was having to deliver the news of Inko's death to Deku.

Izuku's P.O.V

I ran into my house and called out for my mom. I ran into the kitchen to look for and a huge piece of wood fell on top of me pinning me to the ground. As I started to black out I pushed the wood off of me. I felt blood coming out of my mouth and my ears started ringing and all went silent. Was this what death was like? I woke up hours later to be told that I had gone though surgery because the wood had crushed like something. I wasn't really focused on that though because I was more worried about my mom. That's when Kacchan came in which brings me to now.

I look up at Kacchan as he walks in and shuts the door softly behind him. "Deku.. she's gone.." he's saying more but I just sit there as a buzzing fills my ears. His three words fill my head and get louder and louder with each passing second.

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