Chapter 4

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*Izuku's P.O.V*

I woke up a few hours later feeling awful. My arms and thighs felt stiff and sticky and I felt like my head was about to explode. My heartbeat felt slow and sluggish and I knew I had barely escaped death. I sat up, wincing as my thighs pressed against the ground. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but most of the blood was dried on myself and the floor. The carpet was stained red along with my clothes. I groan and crawl to the bathroom. I turned on the water before gathering enough strength to be able to get into the tub. I started feeling dizzy again and spots danced their way across my vision. The world became black. 
Katsuki's P.O.V

After a few hours of not being with Deku I started to get a little worried. He hadn't texted to say if he was ok but he didn't text to say he wasn't. I decided to grab some food to bring over so I had an excuse for checking up on him. I grabbed him some frozen yogurt, because it always made him happy, and headed over to the hotel. I picked up a keycard from the front desk in case he was asleep and couldn't let me in. I knocked on the door and called his name. I could faintly hear the sound of running water so I let myself in. Upon opening the door I gasped. There was blood all over the floor and on his clothes. Water was flooding out from the bathroom and I ran in to see Deku unresponsive in the water. I ran over and turned the water off and grabbed him out of the water. I grabbed a towel and wrapped him up before bringing him over to the bed. I laid him down and listened to him to tell if he was breathing or not. Once I heard slow ragged breaths I let out a small cry of relief. I tried to wake him up but he wasn't moving other than the slow rise and fall of his chest. I pulled my hoodie off and took the towel off of him, my mouth dropping open in horror as I looked at the monstrosity that was his thighs and arm. I found some bandages and bandaged up his arm and thighs before gently pulling the hoodie over him. I also covered him in a blanket as I waited for him to wake up. I paced back and forth around the room, mind racing. 


This was short because I'm out of time and won't be back for a few days. Hope you like it!!

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