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"I thought flagships weren't supposed to brake this much" Captain Jackson Spike said as he handed the mechanic a list of broken things that he had found.

"Ah cut the ship some slack Spike" Skyler said as she set down in her poilet's seat. "The Monarch just likes the attention she gets when broken."

"Maybe we should look at getting a mechanic that is a little more organic" Spike said glaring slightly at the android who was getting to work on the list.  This comment earned him a slap on the back of the head from the gunner, a man named Alvin Mink.

"Listen, if Horizon was willing to drop almost a thirty thousand credits on an android mechanic the least we could do is not threaten to scrap them."

"Also it's nit my fault this ship is braking down." Mercury said as she looked over her oxygen breathing crew mates. "The ship was made with horible parts and the craftsmanship is some of the biggest garbage I had ever seen."

The rest of the crew turned to face her and Mercury smiles. "Don't worry, I'll get everything fixed" she smiled softly and left the cabin to go back to the control room.

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