|1| - Welcome to Griffin Rock

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A/N: I hardly ever do things with Rescue Bots, so I don't know everything about the show. Please don't be mean to me if I screw up!


"So this is Griffin Rock, huh? Mm... not exactly what I had in mind, but alright." You said, your optics scanning the view of the island.

"It's an island, silly! What were you expecting?" Cody replied with a chuckle, grinning at you when you looked down at him. "C'mon, my dad's got a vehicle for you to scan as your vehicle mode!"

You raised an optic ridge in interest, turning to follow Cody towards the bunker. You had yet to meet the other bots that you were supposed to work with. Cody had told you little bits and pieces about them, but it wasn't enough to paint a full picture in your mind. You weren't even sure what they did around here, where was the danger you were warned of? It just seemed like a peaceful little island!

Once inside the bunker, Cody brought you over to a tactical ambulance that was parked in one of the garages. Chief Burns was standing beside it, scribbling something on a notepad until he noticed you were there and looked up.

"Ah, there you are! It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I'm Chief Burns, Cody's father." The mustached man said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

"So I've been told." You replied, a slight expression of confusion crossing your face at his gesture. You weren't quite sure what to do.

Cody looked up at you expectantly, elbowing your leg. "He wants to shake your hand. It's a thing we do on Earth when we meet new people!"

Your optics flicked between your servo and Chief Burns' hand, not sure how this was going to work. You decided to try it anyways, bending over and very carefully shaking the Chief's hand. "Strange, but I suppose I'll have to get used to it." Your gaze shifted to the tactical ambulance. "Is that the vehicle you were talking about?"

"Yep! It's a model that the army usually uses, but we were able to get our hands on one just for you. Trust me, it's way better than a normal ambulance." Cody said, grinning widely as he strode over to the ambulance and put his hand on the hood. "It can go off-road and it has a better engine, which means more power!"

"It also means you can get into places paramedics usually wouldn't be able to with their vehicles, which is a huge help. What do you think?" Chief Burns chimed in.

Considering everything you had been told, you didn't see any problems with taking on this vehicle as your new alternate mode. It fit you well since you were a medic. "I think it shall do nicely." You said with a nod. "Stand back for a moment while I scan it."

Once the two were out of the way, beams of light emitted from your optics and scanned over the entire ambulance. The design was etched into your processor down to the last detail. After a few moments passed, you transformed into an exact copy of the ambulance.

"Great! I'll get this baby returned to the military as soon as possible." Chief Burns said with a smile, walking away with his clipboard.

Cody jogged over to you once you had transformed back. "You wanna go meet the others, Y/N? They're probably hanging out in the lounge."

You shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"Awesome! Follow me!"

A jumble of voices filled your audio receptors as you neared the lounge. How many bots were there? You had been told there were only four. You glanced down at Cody, but he seemed unfazed as he happily walked along while humming a tune. Finally, you arrived at the wide opening that led into the lounge.

"Hey guys!" Cody shouted, swiftly getting everyone's attention. "Come meet Y/N! He's on our team now!"

You suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed as you were approached by four bots and three humans, all seeming a bit too happy to see you. Maybe you just weren't used to this kind of positivity. "Uh... hello." You said, offering an awkward wave and an even more awkward smile.

"This is Boulder, Chase, Blades, and Heatwave!" Cody pointed to each bot as he said their name. "These are my brothers, Kade and Graham, and this is my sister, Dani! They're partners with their own bots, while my dad is partners with Chase."

"You don't have a partner?" You questioned the boy.

Cody shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Dad says I'm too young. Maybe I can hang with you from now on!"

You chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm. "Perhaps, if your father allows it." You replied, glancing up at the others.

They all seemed like happy, friendly bots... and then there was Heatwave. While he was obviously trying to be friendly, you could see a scowl poking through his features. It definitely didn't seem like he smiled on a normal occasion, that's for sure. You couldn't help but smirk. If he was the hothead he looked to be, then this could be more fun than you originally imagined.

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