|2| - Hothead Has a Temper

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"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we get to have a new bot on our team! Isn't that exciting?!" Blades exclaimed, practically bouncing around you with a huge smile on his face. He certainly was an excitable one, that's for sure.

Heatwave rolled his optics and crossed his arms over his chassis. "Not like we needed another member, but more help is appreciated." He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Boulder shot you an apologetic look. "Don't worry about him. He's just got a bit of an attitude."

You chuckled, waving your servo dismissively at the green mech. "I don't mind. It makes things interesting." You said with a grin, placing one servo on your hip as you sauntered over to Heatwave. You were a few inches taller than he was and it soon became very obvious that he didn't like it. "Hey hothead, why don't you cool down? I'm not takin' your place or anything. You handle the fires, I'll handle the medical emergencies."

Heatwave snorted and turned to face you. You were lost in his golden optics for a second until his harsh tone snapped you out of it. "First of all, don't call me hothead. Second of all, I'm not worried about you taking my place. You're new here, which means you're at the bottom of the ranks." He said with a growl, glaring daggers at you. You noticed that he was trying to stand on the tips of his pedes to make himself taller.

"Ooh, someone has a temper!" You snickered, smirking wildly. You bent down a bit so you were at optic-level with him, a mischievous gleam to your optics. "I like that." You purred softly, still smirking at him like the asshole you were. You swore you saw him blush, even if it was just for a millisecond, before his expression was overwhelmed by rage.

"Why you...!"

"Hey now, let's not start any fights! I don't think Chief Burns would like that very much!" Blades chimed in before anything could happen. He chuckled nervously and flinched when Heatwave shot him a venomous glare. "I'm just saying!"

Chase nodded in agreement. "I agree. Conflict within the team will cause disruption and impede our ability to perform rescues."

Heatwave opened his mouth to argue, then closed it after a moment of thought. He reluctantly backed off, grumbling to himself the entire time. "Fine. Just stay out of my way." And with that, he stormed off.

Cody was in the middle of introducing you to video games when an alarm suddenly blared throughout the bunker. You nearly jumped, helm turning this way and that in confusion. "What's that noise?"

Cody was already on his feet and racing towards the other bots. "The rescue alarm!"

"The rescue alarm?" You questioned, hastily following the boy so you didn't lose sight of him.

"It's an alarm that tells us when there's an emergency happening!"

It finally clicked in your processor and you nodded. What kind of emergency would this be? A forest fire? A flood? A natural disaster?! The opportunities were endless!

"What's the emergency?" Dani asked, already standing next to Blades with her helmet tucked under her arm.

Chief Burns was squinting at the computer monitor, though you couldn't make out what was on it. "A strong gust of wind knocked a few trees down. They hit some power lines and are also blocking the road. We need to get down there and clear it up."

You just stood there with a blank expression. Fallen trees? Power outage? Those were easy to deal with! "What kind of emergency is that?" You huffed in disappointment, crossing your arms over your chassis.

"The kind we deal with every day, better get used to it." Heatwave sneered, rolling his optics. "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!"


Sorry for not updating in so long! Writer's block is an ass...

I'll try to update more often!

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