|9| - Oh?

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The next day was pretty slow.

Blades, Dani, and Cody were playing video games, but you had no particular interest in watching them play the same thing over and over again. Chase and Chief Burns had gone out on patrol around an hour ago. Guess they just got stir-crazy. Graham and Boulder were most likely building something in their workshop. You had no idea where Kade was, though you had a hunch that he was probably with Heatwave.

Speaking of Heatwave, you still felt a bit guilty about trying to pressure him into confessing. You were afraid that you had pushed him away. He probably hated you even more now.

You sighed and pushed yourself off the wall. There was no sense in sulking around all day, so you were going to go say sorry to Heatwave. You almost couldn't believe you were doing it, it seemed so weird considering the fact that you two were supposed to hate each other. Well, everyone besides the Burns family knew that you liked him, so it wasn't much of a secret anymore.

You wandered around in the station for a little while, occasionally peeking into a room to see if Heatwave was in there. You were beginning to think that he had gone out with Kade until you spotted him standing outside through a window. You glanced at the door.

Well, here goes nothing...

Heatwave glanced up when the door opened, then immediately averted his gaze when he saw it was you. You honestly couldn't tell if he was angry or flustered. Maybe even both.

"Hey, Heatwave." You greeted him. For once, you didn't use one of the many nicknames you had given him and that seemed to surprise him. "You got a minute?"

"Oh, uh... yeah. What's up?" He fumbled over his words a bit, which usually wasn't something he did when he was angry.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have pressured you like that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You explained to him, a genuine look of concern on your face. You wanted him to know that you meant it.

At first he just stared at you, as if he couldn't believe what you had just said. Then he started laughing, leaving you utterly confused. Wasn't he all flustered just moments ago?

"What? What's so funny? I meant what I said!" You huffed, shooting a slight glare at him.

"I never thought I'd hear you apologizing to me! You're less of brute than I thought you were."

Your lips twisted into a smirk. "Want to test that theory?"

"Bring it on, tough guy."

In a flash, both of you were grappling with each other. Since you were a bit bigger, you had more of an advantage. Heatwave, however, was stronger than he looked and gave you a run for your money. Each time you shoved him back a step, he shoved you two steps back. You managed to stay on your pedes, refusing to succumb to his attempts at knocking you off balance.

"Come on, Heatwave! Is that all you got?" You jeered tauntingly, hoping to get him fired up.

It worked a little too well and soon you felt your pedes beginning to slide. You tried to regain your footing, but your balance was past saving. You began to tip backwards as the power from Heatwave became too much to fight against. He shoved you to the ground with a loud grunt whilst falling on top of you in the process.

"Hm... this seems familiar, doesn't it?" You mused, thinking back to the day where Heatwave had crashed into you while the team was playing with that ball.

Before he could even answer, you quickly flipped over so that he was now underneath you. There was a shit-eating grin on your face as watched the determination drain from his optics. "This is much better, don't you think?"

Heatwave was silent for a moment, a blush slowly creeping across his face as he stared up at you. Those golden optics of his were even prettier up close. He huffed when you leaned in closer and looked away.

"Yeah.." He mumbled under his breath.

Your smirk grew. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"Shut up and kiss me."

"I thought you'd never ask."

Your lips came together in a not-so-gentle manner, though it was mostly Heatwave that was being rough. You could tell that he had been wanting to do this for a while, despite how much he expressed that he didn't before this happened. He kept coming back for more, his kisses becoming hungrier and hungrier.

Normally you would enjoy this kind of action, but the thought that someone (specifically Kade) could possibly see you crossed your mind. It frustrated you. You would've gladly taken it farther had you not literally been outside for the world to see. You had to stop.

Heatwave whined needily when you pulled away—a sound you never thought he was capable of making. You learn something new every day, huh?

"Later? We can't exactly do this out in the open." You said as you rolled off of him and quickly got to your pedes.

He grumbled something under his breath, seeming reluctant to give up what he was just experiencing, but eventually nodded and got up as well. "Fine, but don't you forget about it." He growled, jabbing a digit at your chassis.

You chuckled and nonchalantly waved his digit away. "How could I ever forget about you, hothead?" You purred softly, giving him a little pat on the helm.

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