Kids First Words Part2

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Shinso.   (Did I forget to add him... Yes)

It's was a Saturday morning and you were making breakfast in the kitchen when you saw your Daughter crawl into the kitchen when Koda (Shinso's cat) walked on in and your daughter went to go and pet him but she could reach him so all that came out her mouth was Katty (Kitty)

You cired it was that cute 🥺🥺


You were at the park when you chose to walk through the butterfly garden

Which your son was trying my catch one of them but yet he couldn't reach it he started  to tear up and you heard a little voice say "B-B-Butterfly"


Togata was working late tonight so you were watching a movie with your children you were starting to fall asleep when you heard the front door open you turned to see Togata

"Hey babe sorry I'm late Hey my Babies has Mommy been treating you well"

And then all you heard was a little "Papa" coming from your Children's mouth


You were doing hero work  when it happened but ojiro was looking after the twins then the news came on and you were on T. V

The next thing ojiro heard were th E twins yelled MAMA

"Yeah that your mom"


You and Tokoymai were cuddling on the sofa and dark shadow was playing with the twins. So darkshadow was playing peek-a-boo with them but when he actually went away

The twins started to get tears in their eyes and you heard a little whimper and then the words

"W-where ded Darkshadow go"

Darkshadow felt bad after that


Mina beinf the person that she is was teaching your son how to say umm words you were getting the popcorn for yourself and mina's date night

You were about to put your son to bed when you -"S-S-Smexy" your face went a ghost white Mina felt BBC ad for teaching him to say that

She brought you a SUSHI plushie to say sorry


OK guy I'm sorry for not posting this chapter yesterday my Wattpad wasn't working

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of your day

Sushi-senpai 🍣

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