Part 1

112 8 23

Hi cookies

OKIEEE, so this my first time to publish one of my stories so excuse me if it's bad and excuse my spelling nad gramatical mistakes

I just hope that you're all safe and always stay at home, while i don't want to stay,but we need to do this and i just want to tell you i love you all 



At the hospital

I hope I could save I'm never useful to you i always put you in danger I'm just a useless boyfriend I don't know why I always put you in danger i hope all this go to hell

Flash back

Seven years ago

Hee young POV

"Mom, Dad please I just want to Travel to Seoul and live there I want to follow my dream of being an Idol"

"Hee young We don't want you to ruin your life and future you are still 15 years old how are you going to be an Idol, What about your school?, Your Friends?, all of your life is here how do you want to go to Seoul it's not going to be safe"

"Mom Dad lets make a deal if you let me go to Seoul I promise that I'll focus on studing and being an idol and if I don't focus and don't get high grades you have the right to bring me back to Ulsan"

"Okie but if you don't get high grades you will come back to Ulsan"

"Really so you agree"

"Yes you lil girl but we need to cheek the schools and transfer your papers and then we will let you go"

" Ohhhh thank you dad thank you mom I luv both of you"

" Welcome you lil girl we luv you too"

I went up to my room and kept on jumping from happiness I still can't imagine your life in Seoul it was your dream simce you were 10 you kept on thinking and dreaming of Seoul till you slept.

The next Morning 

I was sleeping peacefully on my bed till my dad entered and waked me up 

"Hee young wake up"

"Dad leave me please I want to sleep pleaseeeee"

"You Lil Stupido wake up msomething Important"


"You are really a Koala, anyways wake up I have a surprise for ya"

"What is it say it fast it's Saturday I still want to sleep"

"UGHHH look at this girl how are you going to survive without us in Seoul"

"Wait what I'm going that fast"

""Paboya we already booked for you you're plane and we already send your papers to another school"


"Get your things ready you will go tommorow at the 4am"

"OHHHHH Dad I'm so happy finnally I'm going to Seoul"

" AHH You lil girl don't cry it's your dream and we need to help you to achive it"

I still can't belive that I"m going to go to Seoul and achive my dream I always thought this dream will never be achived but Finally It's going to happen 

Time skips 

At the airport

"OHHHH Mom don't cry I'll come backa lso sometimes"

"I just can'tImagine that my lil girl is going to leave us alone "

"OHHH mom I'm going to cry if you don't stop"

'AHHHH Just stop both of you, hee young take care of yourself there and if anything happened just call us"

"Don't woory dad I'll do all my best there"

"Yes always work hard and you will achive alot in your life"

"I luv both of you I need to go now I'll miss you alot Dad and Mom"

"We luv you too"

I cheecked that evreything is fine and rode the plane 

Time Skips 

Finnally I'm at the place I dreamed of Seoul It was just fasinating as I dreamed it 

I went to my new place it was a small cozy penthouse where my father used to stay when he was younger. I started to unpack my things and discover the place.And tommorow it's the most important day my Audition in a company called Big hit. I read a news said that it's a new company for entertainment and tey want to start with two groups a Girl group and a boy group, i fullfied the online test and I got accepted and now it's the one infront of the Judgement Comity, I'm so nervous I think i need to sleep to to wake up early and don't be tired tomorow.

The next day

I woke up at 6 am and got rewady for the audition i'm so nervous and excited at the same time i arrived there and once I entered i got my ID number so that i could enter the Company nad once I entered Igot hitted by a kinda of tall figure I was almost to fall so I closed my eyes but I felt a pair of hands around my waist I could hear it's a boy

"Heyyyy, watch out are you fine" 

_____To be countinued 

So heyyyy I hope you like my first part and please vote and comment and tell me your opinions


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