Part 5 (Trainee)

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Hiii my Lil cookies 🍪✨
I hope you are all doing good in this circumstances
I luv you all and let's start

Hee young POV
Next morning
I woke up it was 5 am in the morning probably I couldn't sleep really good cuz of alot of feelings I was sooooo happy cuz I started to take some good steps in my dream and cuz I still kinda fell embarrassed of what I did to jungkook yesterday I couldn't control both of my feelings the first is that I was soo happy cuz my dream is finally going to happen and that jungkook is the one who came and told jungkook is really special person to me I've some feelings towards him I think I fell got him from the first sight he is really cute and he has the same dreams like me and he is always caring about me but I just wish that I could tell him I just really hope he shares the same feelings like me. I got ready for school and went out and found jungkook standing infront of my door
"Omo YAAA Jeon Jungkook you scared the heck out of me"
He smiled ahhh this Lil bunny smile let's my heart melts
"I'm soory I didn't mean I just brought some sandwiches for breakfast for both of us"
"oh I see I'm really hungry but I didn't have time to make some break fast you always come at the right time"
Jungkook POV
I woke up and I had this felling that I need to tell her that I have felling towards her but I didn't know what to do so I got really fast and brought some sandwiches for us and headed to her penthouse I was about to just knock the door but I found her Lil cute figure is infront of me
"Omo YAAA Jeon Jungkook you scared the heck out of me"
Ohh I she even looks cute when she screams on my face
Hee young  POV
We headed to the school while eating the breakfast
"Did you sleep well?" he said
"Yeah and you?"
"Kinda I had alot iny head"
we arrived to school and someone called my name it was a boy in our class called Mark
"Hee young"
We looked at the back, me and jungkook.
"Oh hi Mark how are you"
"I'm good, can I talk to you for a sec alone"
I was going but jungkook hold me and came infront of me
"What do you want from her? You don't even talk to each other"
"it's out of you're business I want her not you, and who are you to tell her to do what her boyfriend? Brother?"
Jungkook POV
"it's out of you're business I want her not you, and who are you to tell her to do what her boyfriend? Brother?"
I got more angry from him that I want to punch him in this annoying face
"She is my girlfriend so get lost
" What is this real Hee young? "
Both of us looked at hee young, she was shooked and she was looking on the floor
" I'm going to be late for school so I need to go"
She left and left me and I don't know why this annoying mark left also and I was left alone I ran after hee young to see what happened to her
"Hee young"
"yes jungkook"
I felt that she is crying and she was looking down on the floor
"What is has happened why are you crying"
"Heyy tell me the truth
" It's nothing I just hate this Mark thing and I was just so scared that he will do anything to me"
I came closer and with my thumb I erased her tears
"Don't worry hee young I'm always her and I will always save you"
"And I'm soo thankful for this"
I think it's the right time to confess to her
"Hee young I-"
The school bell rung
"Jungkook let's go to the class before we get late we have a test"
OH man holy shit why does this bell has to ring now
"okie gatcha"
We headed to the class we had today chimistry test and then big hit send to the school that the will need us so we will head after the test to the company
Time skips
The door knocked it was the secretary
"excuse me teacher but I need Hee young and jungkook if they are done with the test
" Hee young jungkook are you done with the exam"
we said togther "Yes teacher"
"OK so bring your test here and you can go"
Hee young looked confused and she looked to me and I lip synced "ginchwana"
We gave the test and headed out with the secretary
She whispered to me
"Where are we going?"
I whispered in her ears
"To big hit entertainment"
Age was almost to scream but I said
We rode the car the company send to take us
Time skips
At the company we entered the of the CEO BANG PD NIM both of us entered and we found 6 boys inside and 3 girls
"welcome jungkook welcome hee young I'm  Bang Shihyuk you can call me PD nim Co. E have a seat"
We entered and sat
"okie so how about everyone introduce yourself"
A tall boy started
"HI my name is Kim Namjoon I'm a Trainee for a whole 2 years with I'm from Sangdo-dong and I'm 19 years old and I'll debut as a Rapper"
Then another boy stood up
"my name is min Yoongi I'm 20 years old I like to rap and produce muaic"
He was really cold
"HIIII my name is Jung Hoseok I'm 19 years old  I like to dance and to rap"
"Hi I'm Kim SeokJin I'm 21 years old looks like I'm the oldest here I'm a vocalist and I like to cook"
"My name is Kim Taehyung I'm 18 years old I like to play video games and play on a saxophone and I'm a vocalist"
The a shy boy came
"My name is park jimin and I'm 18 years old and I'm a vocalist" and now everybody was looking at me
"Oh its my turn I'm Jeon Jungkook it looks like I'm going to be the youngest here I'm 15 and I'm from Busan I'm a vocalist"
"oh you're from busan same like me" Jimin said
I smiled to him and he smiled a shy smile
Now it's the girl turn
"Hii my name is Jenny I'm a trainee with Namjoon from 2 years too so we already know each other Im 20 years old and I'm a vocalist"
"HI my name is mi cha I'm 17 years old and I'm a Rapper and" she stopped and looked at Taehyung
"she is my girlfriend" he said and everyone went on an ooohhh
"so hi guys my name is jinae and I'm from seoul  I'm a vocalist and I'm 20 years old"
It was hee Young's turn she seemed shy and she looked at me and smiled to her to give her some confidence and she smiled back to me and then she started
"Hii my name is hee young and it also seem like I'm the youngest here I'm 15 I'm from ulsan and I'm a Rapper and a dancer"
Then J Hope said
"woow 15 and a Rapper and dancer this is amazing"
"thank you"
"okie so seems like everyone introduced him and herself so lets start to talk about the details

------ to be continued

So hi again ik that this part is long but I hope you like it

I luv you all and I hope all of be happy 💕🌧️


ᴋᴏᴀʟᴀ ɢɪʀʟ 🐨🏹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora