The aftermath

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        There was no time for celebration because of the wounded Autobots that had to be taken care of, and the mess they had to clean up, as well as some damages to the base that had to be repaired due to flying debris and from the missiles. Bella helped with getting all of the injured inside and taken care of, especially the ones that were severely damaged that had to be taken care of first, which Bella also helped with. One of the severely wounded was Ultra Magnus, who was wounded by Dreadwing's and Skyquake's barrage of bullets from their machine guns. She helped to patch him up and made sure that he was comfortable, and then went to go help with the other severely wounded Autobots, then moved on to the ones that had minor injuries, then to the ones that had small injuries. 

      When she was done with everyone, she went over to Ratchet and told him that everyone was patched up and doing well, and that she was going to put everything away, and then go help everyone else with the repairs outside. He nodded in acknowledgment and went back to what he was doing, while Bella went and started to put everything away and put stuff where they were supposed to go. After that she went around and just checked up on the ones that she patched up first to see if they were alright, she then started to go outside when someone blocked her path. It was Optimus.

"Hello Optimus." Bella said.

"Hello." Optimus replied.

"I thought you were outside helping everyone else with the repairs to the hanger?" She responded with a question.

"I was. Until I saw you in here taking care of all the wounded. I thought that you needed help." He replied.

"Uh. No I got everything covered. Everyone is patched up, and resting well." She replied.

"And what is the status of Ultra Magnus?" He asked.

"Oh. He was struck with a lot of bullets from Dreadwing's and Skyquake's guns, he was severely wounded, but we patched him and is resting right now." She replied. "He will be okay Optimus. All he needs is a little bit of rest and some recovery time and he will be good to go." She added.

"Thank you Bella." He said.

"Your welcome, Sir." She responded. "You can go see him if you want Optimus. I am going to help everyone else with the repairs outside." She added as she started to walk away.

"Thanks." He responded as he walked towards Ultra Magnus.

"No problem." She replied without looking back.

        As she walked outside to help with the repairs, she saw how much work still had to be done, but that didn't really matter to her, just as long as the base got repaired as fast as possible, before there is another attack by the Decepticons, since they might attack soon knowing that there are a lot of Autobots not able to fight because of injures, which would give them the upper hand for once. She did not want to think about it anymore, so she pushed it out of her head and started helping the others with the repairs. They worked for a long time until they were done with the repairs, so they all stepped back at a distance to look at their handy work, then they went back to make sure that everything was in order and would not come off anytime soon. Even the Autobots that were finished clearing away all the debris helped out to see if everything was in order. After not finding anything out of place they stepped back again to look at it, and then they all went back inside.

"That took longer than I thought." Bulkhead said.

"Well, we would have finished faster if we had more help from Autobots that didn't have anything to do." Prowl said while looking at Skids and Mudflap.

"We helped." They both said in unison.

"Oh really? What did you 'help' with?" Bella asked.

"We were supervising." Mudflap said.

"I don't think we needed any supervision you two. You are the ones that need supervision practically all the time." Arcee said.

"Hey, let's just leave them alone guys. What we all need is some rest." Jazz said while walking past them.

"Jazz has got a point there." Arcee said.

"Yeah your right. We do need a long rest after today." Bulkhead agreed.

        Everyone was headed to their rooms but Bella stayed behind with Ratchet to make sure that all of the wounded were okay and resting well before they went to their rooms. When Bella went over to Ultra Magnus made sure that he was comfortable and resting well, since he is Optimus' second in command. The other reason was so that he would be back on his feet and doing what he does best very soon. When she was done with him she went to the last Autobot that wasn't checked yet and that was Smokescreen, who was damaged by Lockdown, who shot him with his face gun. But if Lockdown's bullet had hit three more inches to the right, it would have hit Smokescreen's spark, which would have made him the only casualty of  today's battle, and Bella was glad that it missed his spark because Smokescreen was one of her best buddies, and she didn't want to see him dead.

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