And then...

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Hey paigeymack I hear chloe scream across the car park just as the bus pulls up. Me and chloe run on Abby already screaming at us slow down you'll hurt yourself! God I wish I could be Maddie at times like this, but then again it's Maddie life would be boring being perfect!!! Me and Chloe sit at the back of the bus because you know we're cool like that. We were having a good goss waiting for all the girls to get hear when all of a sudden someone's arms slip round my waist.

Chloe's PoV

Omg omg I knew it!!! Nicks just put his arms round Paige's waist... That shut her up didn't it. I giggly a little as paige turns around corshiously and hers and nicks eyes meet!! Omg soooooo cute!!!

Nicks PoV

Ive always had a huge crush on paige and this is my chance. She turns round in shock from 'someones' arms being wrapped round her waist. Our eyes meet and

(A/N ( I know it's short im sorry) cliff hanger I know!!!! Arghhh carry on reading!!! And if you've read this far it means the world!! Thank you so much - kate x)

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