Author's Note

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Hey there! Thanks for deciding to read this!

I would like to give a bit of a run-down on what this book will be about (aside from the obvious).

Writing is a small hobby of mine, and I don't typically write a lot of stories aside from small novel-based ideas. And even then, those small stories typically stay just that- small. I never usually have enough inspiration or motivation to stick with a story or plot line, and the documents I write them on get lost in a sea of other documents, either for school or personal use.

However, what I do frequently write is a lot of poetry, and I've been asked by many people if I publish my works anywhere- well now I do! Here!

I am in no way whatsoever a professional, but since I still have to pick a career path, writing is one of my options to go into professionally. With that in mind, anything you read from this page forth is simply brought to you by a lot of ELA classes in school and my very own noggin & creativity.

Hopefully you like what you read!

So with that said, happy reading!


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