two slow dancers

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title: two slow dancers

written: Nov 11, 2019

published: Jul 20, 2020

inspiration: the song "Two Slow Dancers" by Mitski (video above ^^^)

genre: romance/vent

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Love is a funny concept.

I often find myself having to calm my human nature;

keep telling myself it's a chemical imbalance,

because until I get my problems balanced, and my issues in a row no one will be there, 

or want to be there.

"they" always say, 

you have to love yourself before you can love others,

but what "they" don't understand is the lack of love for myself.

The hole in my heart, meant for myself,can only fit the pieces of others inside.

Jigsaw puzzles make me dizzy and dazed.

school dances were never really for me.

due to my anxiety, i could never stand the environment.

I have a hard time at house and dorm parties, even.

All I want is a safeguard; an arm to cling to

or a hand to hold.

did I mention I can't dance?

I used to waltz with life when I was younger,

but I stepped on his toes one too many times,

and when life dipped me, I fell out of it's grasp.

I hit my head on the floor, making me forever dizzy;

feeling forever spinning reality.

i've never had a girlfriend.

i've never had a boyfriend.

i've never had a significant other in any way.

but i hope someone, someday,

will be willing to pick me up off the floor,

slow my spinning head and instead twirl me,

and show me how to dance again.

= = = = = = = = = = 

A/N: Decided this was a pretty nice one to start out with, and somewhat recent considering I wrote it within the last year or so. Hope you liked it!

(Also, just a side-note, but most of the things I write will be inspired by either art, music, or a life event/feeling I've experienced. Very rarely will I go out on a whim and just... write something. Expect things to sound "similar" to this one from here on out.)

Hope to see you in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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