Best Friend's Brother [Bondi Rescue]

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For as long as I could remember, my best friend and I had spent our days roaming around the eastern beaches of Sydney, swimming, surfing, and having the time of our lives. We had both decided to attend the University of Sydney, and we would carpool into Darlington together for classes. It was the summer holidays, so we decided to surf for a bit to get our mind off exams.

As we paddled out at Bronte to catch some waves, Eliza joked, "Don't drown - I'm not sure Ryan would be much help." We laughed at the expense of her brother. Ryan (or, as he was affectionately known, Whippet) was about a year older than Eliza, and we had all grown up together. Ryan was like a brother to me, and he was always there for me. He was on duty lifeguarding for Waverly Council at Bronte, along with Chappo and Hoppo. I had learned to call the rest of the boys by their nicknames, but Ryan had always stuck with me.

We got some really good waves; the sets were consistent, and the surf was about six feet, so not bad for this side of the beach. Eliza and I must have spent at least two hours in the waves, trying to make the most of the southerly storm that was headed our way. The skies had turned almost black, and once there was a streak of lightning visible to the distant south of us, we took that as our queue to head back to shore. As soon as we started paddling, I heard Hoppo's voice over the megaphone.

"We'd advise that you all get out of the water, as lightning was spotted to the south and there's a large southerly storm headed our way."

The beach emptied, and Eliza and I headed up to the small lifeguard Tower at Bronte. There was enough room for the five of us, and we knew the boys wouldn't mind. We left our boards under the Tower and just closed the door behind us before the downpour started.

"Ya just made it," Ryan smiled at us. Hoppo and Chris were in the other side of the Tower eating lunch, so it was just me, Eliza, and Ryan for now. "I reckon' I would have gotten washed out to sea if we didn't get back to shore before this storm... Then you would have had to come and get me," I laughed at Ryan, and he sarcastically replied, "Me? Get you? Nah."

In some ways, I was closer to Ryan than I was Eliza. She had gone on a lot of trips around the country and Asia when we were growing up, which left Ryan and me around Bondi and Bronte. We could joke about anything and everything, and we got on really well. Eliza had even said that we would make a good couple - I didn't doubt it, but I didn't want to put her in that spot, either. Even if she had tried to set us up together on more than one occasion.

Chris and Hoppo finished their lunch, and since the storm was showing no signs of stopping, we decided to play never have I ever. Of course, Ryan started off.

"Never have I ever played competitive beach volleyball."

I put a finger down and cried out, "That's targeting, mate!" The boys and Eliza laughed at my reaction, and I was next. I knew I'd have them all on this one.

"Never have I ever had my first kiss."

They all put their fingers down, and I saw Eliza smirk. She knew I had one or two boyfriends throughout our friendship, but I had never kissed one of them. Ryan, however, was shocked.

"You didn't even kiss Brock?" I scoffed, replying, "Nope. I don't usually kiss until a couple of months in to being in a relationship or knowing someone. He just wasn't it."

After a few more rounds, Eliza had gotten buried and lost the game. We started playing truth or dare, and I saw Hoppo get up and move around. Before leaving the Tower, he said, "I'm just running back to the office to grab some things." And then there were four.

About five minutes after Hoppo left, Chappo saw a swimmer out toward the rocks and had to go in. We watched him run up the cliff face and help guide the swimmer out of danger. Then there were three.

Not even a minute after that, Eliza's phone rang. After a minute-long conversation, she hung up and turned to us. "Max just got off and wanted to run and grab some food for the party on Sunday, so I'm gonna go with him." As she opened the door and braved the weather, she turned to her brother and said, "I'm leaving my board here, Ry! Don't forget it!" He grumbled, but before he could respond, Eliza was gone.

That left the two of us.

Without skipping a beat, Ryan asked, "So you've never had your first kiss?" I shook my head, and replied, "Nope, I've just been waiting along for the right person." I laughed before adding, "Brock was definitely not it."

Ryan asked me, "Who do you think will be the right one?" I gasped and remarked, "Wow, Ryan's got the deep life questions today." I took a deep breath and decided to see what would happen.

"Well, there is this guy I really like, but I don't think he likes me back. He sees me as more of a friend," I began, and Ryan listened intently. I continued, "He's one of the kindest people I've ever met, and he's always there to listen and lend a helping hand. He can make you laugh when you want to cry, and he always encourages everyone around him with his constant love of life. He's always got a smile on his face, no matter what's going on. He's a gem."

I saw the gears turning in Ryan's head, and I wondered how long it would take him to realize I was talking about him. Eliza knew I liked her brother, but not in a grossly, infatuated way - we were the closest you could ever imagine, and I couldn't imagine spending a day without him. We always brought out the best in each other, and he was always there for me. I'd always wanted my partner to be my best friend, and Ryan and I were the best of friends.

He leaned over closer toward my face, his elbow propped on the table as his head sat on his hand. He was inches away from my face, and he looked me directly in the eyes. I was in too deep now. "Well, first, any guy who knows you is lucky to. You're an incredible person and friend, and you'd do anything for anyone. You're always there to help, and you keep everyone around you on your toes. You're so loyal, and that goes a long way."

He continued, "Second... What're this bloke's initials?"

He knew it. I looked down at the floor and tried to hide my embarrassment, but Ryan scooted even closer. At this point, his forehead was resting on mine, and my eyes met with his. He whispered gently, "Could they be RC, by any chance?"

I looked at him and whispered back, "Yeah..." I felt his hand graze my cheek, and he held my face in his hand. He smiled lightly and said, "Well, we've known each other for a while..." I felt myself leaning in, and soon enough, our lips met. That feeling was something I'd never experienced before, and I felt the happiest feeling throughout my whole body.

As we separated, the door slammed open, and I heard Eliza and Chappo yelling. Both Ryan and I turned to face them, and Eliza bragged, "I knew it, I win, Chappo! Pay up!" I saw Chris hand her a $20 note, and before we could even ask, Eliza explained, "We made a bet on when you two would get together. I said before the summer was over."

We laughed as Hoppo returned, questioning the sudden feeling of vibrance and life in the Tower. As he saw how close Ryan and I were, he looked at Eliza and remarked, "You were right..." He handed over another $20 to my best friend.

"What, did everyone bet on this?" I asked sarcastically, and Chappo replied, "A few of the boys over at Bondi did, too." We all laughed together, and even in the pouring rain, I felt a happiness and a sense of relief. 

It was nice to know Ryan felt the same way.

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