Chapter 7

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"A Message"


Detention sucks, hard. Especially when Mrs. Dalmeer is taking over it.

Normally, I wouldn't say stuff like that, but I couldn't help it. Mrs. Dalmeer's and Ainsley's reaction only annoyed me even more as it continued. Encouraging blood lust behaviour...? Maybe that was true, but you couldn't help but feel the heat between the two's abilities, which made me anticipate the victor even more, even though I'm normally the type to pass off and stop fights.

"A beast versus a demon and its tamer... would've been the coolest thing ever to watch." Gemini mumbled, to which Mrs. Dalmeer glared at her before sighing.

"Gemini, the point of detention is for you to realize your mistakes." she said, taking a sip from her coffee, to which Gemini just rolled her eyes in response.

Good thing I texted Aquarius during last period, before detention. Now she was going to help get us out of here. I looked out the window of the classroom, and saw Aquarius there, watching. Her ability is portals, basically. Her ability is strong, the only weak points being that she needs to see where she's going to spawn a portal, and can't spawn too much or she'll get easily fatigued.

In this case, we'll only have to worry about Aquarius seeing where she's spawning a portal, while also making sure Mrs. Dalmeer doesn't happen to look out the window and catch our savior in the act.

The plan was to drop something like Mrs. Dalmeer's coffee on her head, then make a run for it. If we teleported instantly, Mrs. Dalmeer would catch us quickly outside trying to make a run for it, so it's better to get her busy in the washroom, cleaning up first before running.

A pitch black hole spawned below the coffee which Mrs. Dalmeer didn't notice, and another spawned right above her head. The coffee mug fell through the pitch black portal and came down on her head, causing a mess.

"What the heck just happened!?" she yelled, before looking down at her now messy clothes and the coffee mug on the floor. She stood up, looking at us dead in the eye. "This was either caused by Sagittarius, Aquarius, or Ainsley, unless there's someone else at this school with an ability that can move objects as well."

She then paced the room. "Now, knowing Ainsley, she wouldn't abuse her ability like this." she said, before looking back at us. "And knowing you three, it was probably Aquarius." Her head then immediately turned to the windows, where Aquarius was no longer there.

"Hiding, I see." she mumbled, before storming off to the window, opening it and looking down, seeing Aquarius hiding against the wall area below it. Before Aquarius could run, Mrs. Dalmeer grabbed her by her hoodie. "Where do you think you;re going, Ms. Waterbear?" she said to Aquarius with a grin.

"U-Um--"  Not allowing Aquarius to finish her sentence, she then dragged her into the classroom, and sat her down at a seat far away from the rest of us.

"Now then, I'm going to the washroom to wash up this waste of coffee." she said. "Since I know now I can't trust you guys in a classroom by yourselves now, I'll be using my ability to keep you still."

We all mentally groaned in annoyance, as I turned back to Aquarius and gave her an apologetic look. She gave a nod back, meaning it's fine. Soon, a black translucent sphere covered Mrs. Dalmeer's hand. She held it out in front of her, black rays shooting out towards all of us, and soon I felt my eyes grow heavy, before falling into her trance.

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