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I was 13 years old when  I saw my father die in front of me. See I was the only child meaning I helped Papa around the farm. Lincoln County not many people like my family because my father was a black man and my mother was a white woman that had a mix child. The only two men who liked my family was Alex Mcsween and John Tunstall.  Mr. Tunstall was very kind to us and often I would go over to hang out with him to learn more bout the world. Mr. Tunstall was like a grandfather and often I would call him Pewpa.  He would surprise me on Christmas with a brand new dress everywhere. 

It was a hot sunny day and Papa was fixing the fence as I watched him. I handed him all the tools he needed. "Papa? Do I have to marry one of those dumb boys in town?" I asked my father as he finished up. He chuckled and looked up at me. "No my little storm. One day there will be a boy who will understand you more than any other. They will make your darkest days less dark and your brightest day brighter. Marry when you are ready Storm." Papa said. The reason he called me Storm was because I was born during a stormy night and I didn't once cry during a storm as a baby or child. "Papa is that what Mama does for you?" I asked as he ruffled my hair up. "Yes Storm. I wouldn't want anyone else but her. Now lets go home." We began to walk to our horses when I saw men riding up to us. I grabbed Papa's hand. "Papa men are riding this way!" I said as he turned to see them. "Go to the horses Storm." Papa said as I ran to them. I was only 20 feet away but I saw Murphy and the sheriff. I couldn't really hear what was said. The next thing I know I heard a gun shot and Papa fell to ground. I ran to him screaming, "PAPA!" I dropped to ground to see a bullet wound in his stomach. "If you try to pin this on us little girl we will kill your mother." Murphy said as they rode off. "S-storm?" Papa said as I pulled his head into my lap. "Papa stay with me please." "Storm tell your mother that i love her and I love you. Live your life Storm. Get your mother out Lincoln when you can." Papa said as he cupped my face. "I love you my Storm." Then my father's beautiful brown eyes lost their color right before and his hand dropped. I screamed and cried in my father's chest. 

Later on that night I was found by John Tunstall. His cornflower-blue eyes held grief when he saw me all dirty clingy to my dead father. He loaded Papa in the back of the wagon while I cried in the seat. He took me home and stay with Mother and I for a week. Tunstall told me that Papa wouldn't want me to go get revenge but he would want me to live a good life. "Pewpa?" I asked him. "Will one day Murphy be able to get brought down?" I said sitting on the porch listening to him read. "Yes Danny. One day he will." Tunstall said as I hugged him.

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