Kayden Chapter 4

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I walked towards her meaning to pick her up and fly to the Illyrian camp that I was currently staying at. I could have just winnowed there but I was in no hurry to get back and for some reason I wanted to hold her in my arms.

When I started walking towards her she looked confused at first and took up a fighting stance but as I got closer realization dawned on her face and then she started laughing. I was confused about why she was laughing but at the same time I didn't want her to stop she had such a beautiful laugh, but she did stop and said "Nice try bat boy but no way am I flying with you."

"Well how do you suggest we get back to my home" he purred 

She seemed to debate this for a few seconds before she said "You might want to cover your eyes."

And then not even a second later a blinding light seems to explode from where she was standing. I started taking a step towards her, but just a quickly as the blinding light came it started to fade and where Elentiya used to be standing there was now a hawk.

"Wh-What? H-How?" I sputter stupidly

She just looks at me with an amused glint in her eye. She must have lowered her mental shilds because I heard her say "Well magic of course. How else?"  

"But how?"

"Well in my world every fea and most demi-fea have an alternate form, but since my parents are so powerful I can shapeshift into whatever I like."

I just stared at her until she said "You gonna show me where to go or am I just geussing?" I quickly look away and summon my wings and started flying towards the camp. Trying to figure out what had just happened and how I was going to explain this.


We were almost at the camp and I still had no idea how I was going to explain her to my sister and cousins. I was glad That my uncle Cassian had left to go train at the other camps he'd be gone for at least 2 weeks maybe more, if he was there I would have had to explain her to the rest of the court of dreams. Crap.Crap.Crap. I'm supposed to be in Velaris meeting my mom to walk around the Rainbow and then have dinner with the rest of the court. Crap. Okay think what could I use as an excuse. Oh I got it. I mentally reach out to my mom and straight away she answers me "Kayden, where are you? Are you okay? You were supposed to be here an hour ago." Jeeze has it really been that long?  "I'm fine mom I was just really tired after training and I accidently fell asleep."  Not the best excuse I know but she seem to buy it cause she just said "Oh honey if your that tired than maybe you should just stay at the camp. Maybe your Father and I could come and visit you."  " Yeah Mom that would be great." As long as she's gone by then then "Okay then sweetie see you soon" "Bye Mom" "Bye Kayden"  and with that our conversation was over and the mental bond between us was shut down.


We were about five minutes away from camp and still I had no idea how the fuck I was going to explain her to my cousins and sister. I couldn't exactly just walk up to them and be like 'This is Elentiya I found her in the forest and know nothing about her aside from her name and that she thinks that she's from another world but even though she threaten to kill me I feel like I can trust her' They would think I'm crazy. Hell right now I was wondering if I was crazy. 

We landed and she shifted back into her fea form with a flash of light. A few heads turn towards us and I hiss "You couldn't have waited until we were inside to do that" She just smirked and rolled her eye's and started walking towards the cabin that I was staying at as if she owned this place. I just stared after with my mouth hanging open, wondering how the fuck she knew what house was mine and who she was to be able to walk through a camp of Illyrian soldiers without even the slightest bit of fear.

She was halfway there when she turned and asked "You coming Bat boy?" I roll my eyes and run to catch up to her.

When we walked in we were immediately greeted by my cousin Zekeile shouting at us from the other room "Kayden is that you? I thought that you were going to Veler..." he trailed off as he walked in and saw her. His eye's trailed up and down her body. Once. Twice. I growled at him before I could even register it. His eye's flickered towards mine. I don't know why I growled at him. He had been going out with his boyfriend Colten for two years and he was probably just assessing how big of a threat she was  but for some reason I didn't want him looking at her.

She turned and looked at me with an eyebrow raised and then turned back to Zeke who was now talking "I'm Zekeil but can call me Zeke. Who might you be if you don't mind me asking." She opened her mouth to answer him but was interrupted by Zeke's little brother Tyler coming downstairs.

Tyler looked up from his book and stared down at Elentiya with confusion clear on his features. He opened his mouth probably to ask who she was but never got the chance because two females walked through the door that me and Elentiya had just come from.

I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update.

I basically lost all motivation to do any thing for two weeks and then when I regained my motivation I didn't have wifi or access to a laptop. I have the next few chapter's written so hopefully I'll be able to update soon.

Also thank you to anyone who voted on the previous chapters or added this story to their reading list every time I see that this story has been voted on or that the amount of reads has gone up it makes me so happy that I just sit there and smile for a minute.

Any ways please comment and let me know what you think and thank you so much for reading and again I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update.

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