Chapter 4 - Concert

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Chapter 4

As we arrived, so many girls were crowded around and it was hard to see. We just waited around. I couldn't stop thinking about the blue eyed boy. I wonder if he'd be here! I just remembered he said he's here for the concerts. Maybe he's a drummer or guitar player!

All of sudden we heard screams and yells. The boys!! They were walking through! I raced to the front with Amanda and I saw familiar hair. I took a second look and saw Niall!! Wait a minute. No it couldn't be! He was the boy from the cover... He's in the band! I didn't even realize it!

"Niall!" I yelled.

He looked my way and came over.

"Hey! Glad to see you here! You excited?!" he asked with a grin.

I looked into his sparkly blue eyes and said, "You forgot to tell me you were in One Direction..."

He smiled and winked. "Gotta go, have fun."

And he was gone. Just as fast as he came.

Amanda stood in shock staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"You... Kn-know Niall fu*king Horan?!?" she screamed at me. I smiled and laughed.

"I know him as Niall some random boy who helped me up when I fell but that's it. I had no clue he was THE Niall Horan!"

Amanda jumped up and down then hugged me. "Do you know what this means?!? We have connections!"

I laughed and hugged her. Tonight was gonna be good I thought as we walked to our seats.

Our seats were pretty far in the back which was depressing but hey, we were at a One Direction concert! There were soo many girls!

"I can't believe all this! There's more high school girls than college!" I said to Amanda. She nodded but seemed distracted. "What's up?" I said with a frown.

"Uh... I don't know. I thought we'd be up further! I just have waited for so long for this moment.." she said. I grabbed her hand and pushed. I got all the way to front not caring what 11 year olds said. Some ranted some nasty things but you know what? They're too young for this anyways.

"I love you Av! Now we can see great!"she said while hugging me. We stood back and relaxed until the concert started.

Niall gave me looks the whole time and even winked! I was speechless! I mean he's gorgeous. Why would he be looking at me? There are tons of girls here prettier than me, that's for sure! I've never even had a boyfriend and I was 18! But there was just something bout Niall. Maybe the accent...

Their concert soon ended, and I mean SOON. It was so short. Well it was one and a half ours, but still. I wanted to talk to Niall, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to talk to him considering all the fans. Amanda was bouncing off the walls and I just wanted to see Niall one last time before they leave the U.S.

After a couple of minutes I gave up waiting and started walking back with Amanda to our dorm when I heard my name being called. I turned around fast and of course, I slipped. Oh what a funny way to meet.. Again. Niall came running and picked me up once more. He grabbed my arms and almost lifted me into his arms. Amanda stood in shock that Niall Horan was right in front of her.

"Hey, I wanted to catch you after the gig but you ran off too fast. The boys and I are staying a week here for vacation and I was wondering if we could hang out some since we don't know anyone here?" he asked. I stared into those gorgeous sky blue eyes and tried not to drool on myself. Amanda punched my arm and smiled.

"Uh,yeah! Most definitely!" I said. "Um, do you want my... Number? Like to call to get together? I mean like hang out not like get toget—".

"I'll give you mine and Av's," Amanda but in saving me. He looked at me and laughed. Aw shit. I screwed up. He handed me his phone and I put my number in it.

"I'm sorry I'm just not good around...uh cute guys, I mean no not cute but guys... Okay umm I gotta go" I said like a fool and started away fast. I heard laughter and felt like shit. I'm so dumb.

"Don't worry about her. She likes you," Amanda said to Niall. He smiled and said, "Its cute. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He started walking away when I turned around. I sat on the ground and pouted. Amanda came up to me and sat down.

"Av, he thinks you're cute."

I looked at her puzzled. "But I made a fool of myself. How??"

She laughed. "He thinks it's cute this you're nervous around him. Don't worry! Let's go girl! We have Niall freaking Horan's number!!"

"YEAH WE HAVE NIALL HORAN'S NUMBER!!!" I screamed. "That felt good," I said grabbing Amanda's arm and swinging it as we walked.

Before She KnewOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant