Chapter 26 - No One Said Life Was Easy

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Chapter 26

The plane ride was long and horrible. I sat next to a man who was sleeping on my shoulder and snoring. He finally woke up and said sorry to me. I just said it was fine and proceeded to look at the window. I had my iPod on shuffle and then Little Things by One Direction came on. I totally lost it. My eyes were swelling and getting watery. The man next to me asked if I was okay and I said yes in a shaky voice.

When my plane landed I was still upset. I grabbed my bags fast and went outside to wait for my mom. It was getting a lot warmer and of course I was dressed for London weather. I rolled my selves up and sat down on my bags. I probably looked like a lost cause. Pretty soon I saw my moms black SUV pull up and I hurried to it.

"Mom!" I yelled as I ran to greet her. She embraced me and we stood there for a long time. She felt like how I felt with Niall. Like home and warmth. We both pulled back and she kissed my head. We then packed my bags and drove away. I was so thankful to see my mom. My dad died when I was younger. He had cancer. I don't remember him very well. My mom says I act just like him. We talked about everything on the way to my college. I used to tell her everything before I went to college. I told her about meeting Niall and how wonderful he was to me. She could tell I was in love. I told her about Amanda and how horrible it was. I know she knew I was really hurting. We squeezed my hand right as my phone went off.

It was Niall.

From: Niall

You land okay? Are you okay?


I'm good. Mom's bringing me back to my dorm now

From: Niall

Stay strong babe, ill talk t ya in a bit

"Whose that?" my mom asked who I was texting.

"Niall," I responded with a smile. She laughed.

"You really like him don't you?" she said. I nodded and looked about the window. I saw the familiar weeping willow tree Amanda and I would hang out by when we were bored. My smile turned into a frown. I missed her. I really missed her. My mom noticed and said, "She'll be fine."

My mom and I went to drop my bags off at my dorm then we went to a little diner for dinner. It was cute and small. We talked and caught up. It was really nice actually. Just being with her. Then it got late and she had to work the next. We said our goodbyes and I walked back into my dorm, landing hard on my bed. My laptop went off and I opened it. It was Skype and Niall was calling. I hit accept and his face popped up. I smiled. He did too.

"How was your day love?" he asked.

"Good. It was nice catching up with my mom for once. I haven't seen her a lot since I've been in college..." I replied.

Niall and I talked for a longtime. Well we really didn't even talk. I sat there and read my book while he played video games. It was nice just being able to see him. I got an email saying my classes were cancelled for tomorrow and I was happy. I needed a day to collect myself and get ready for studying and homework again even though I had to bare it without Amanda.

The next day I woke up late. I decided it was time for me to start working out again. I headed to the gym we had on campus and got on the treadmill. I fast walked for a while then worked up to running. When I was finished I was dripping in sweat and my legs felt like jello. As I got off the treadmill a girl walked up to me.

"You're Avia right? The one dating Niall Horan?" she asked. I shook my head yes. "Oh my god! I love One Direction! I can't believe you're dating him! And I go to the same college as you!" she said to me. I smiled and she went on and on about how she loved them and how they've helped her and I was really grateful. Those 5 boys do more than they think.

My day consisted of reading notes and reviewing. I had a lot of coffee too to stay awake. Niall texted me throughout the day because he had interviews. Missing him was really setting in. I'd start to say something and no one would be there to respond. Not Amanda, not Niall, not anyone. But I knew I had to stay strong. I couldn't break down because no one was going to pick me up.

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