Winter is Coming

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Once there was 4 houses that tried to play a game;
the one who'll win will sit on an iron chair
Everybody put out, the best weapon they could seize
and get ready to fight not wanting a defeat

The House Lannister gathered all the golds they have
for they are the richest in the Westeros' land
Cersei is the one who wants to be the Queen; and
just to have the Iron Throne she can sacrifice anything

The House Baratheon's weapon is faith and religion
King Stannis believe that he is the heir to the throne
For the specific reason that the late king is his brother
And the lord of Light said that he is the answer

The House Stark doesn't really want the Iron Throne
But they got tormented because of their honor
Good old Eddard did what he can do
To protect King's landing but its exchange is woe

The House Targaryen is the last one
But was the first house who ruled the seven kingdoms
Daenerys Stormborn is the daughter of the mad king
With her three dragons, will she be the new Queen?

Now, the Game of the thrones is near to its ending
Who will win-- now that's winter is coming?
It is the stag or the lion, the wolf or the dragon?
Well, let's all wait and see for GoT's last season.

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