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( Here's an update because I'm bored. )


Everyone was wearing black and carrying black umbrellas because it was raining. Infront of the crowd was Ondreaz and Chase's caskets. They members of the hype house decided that they should be buried together.

Chase's mom stood at the front with Mrs. Lopez. They were crying and Tony was comforting his mom while Karissa and Marlena were comforting their moms. After the funeral and both of them were buried, I decided to tell Tony to take a walk with me.

"We should break up. It's too dangerous for us to be together." I said. "I just lost my brother. Please don't leave me." A tear slipped out of his eye. I looked away.
"Ok. I won't." I lied. I bit down on my tongue to stop the tears that were about to escape.

"I love you. Don't you dare leave me." He said. "I promise." I said, having to break it. After I went home, I booked a flight to Seoul. I didn't know what I was gonna do yet but I packed my bags and headed to the airport because the earliest flight was at dawn.

5 hours later.....

I got on the staircase to get on the plane and looked at L.A one more time before the plane took off. I sighed and got in. The plane got ready for take off. I got a text from Tony.


Where are you???

On a flight.

To where??

I can't tell you.

Don't you dare look for me.

So is this it??


I'm sorry it had
to end like this.

Did you even love me??


And I feel like absolute shit.

I'm doing this for you.

I love you.

Be safe.

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