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Amalias pov:
I don't know how long i stayed with my mates cuddled up together. Some time I had fallen asleep and when I opened my eyes again it was to growling. It confuses me since I don't know what is going on but that's before I see the door pushed open.
„Marcus!" i happily whisper to the shock of everyone around me.
„Sweetheart! You are awake! How do you feel?" Marcus question hurrying closer to me. He completely ignores the still threatening growls from my mates.
„sush!" i tell them sternly before lifting my arms up to Marcus. Wanting a hug from him, I have missed him. He was there for me, even left his beloved castle to fly to Forks to help me!
„I see you have them in check!" Carlisle says with a chuckle making me giggle. A tight embrace from Marcus let's me feel safe. It's strange how much I have bonded with him, especially considering that we only know each other for only a few days!
„It's so good to see you up and moving again!" he tells me, not letting go of me.
„I am happy to see you again!" I say, cuddling even closer into him.
„Master Marcus, please!" Alec says trying to stay calm but I can see the jealousy sparkling in his eyes.
„Of Course! I am sure your sister wants to see you too!" Marcus says and right on cue bella comes running into the room.
„Bella!!" i shout happily before twirling her around. Her giggles fill the room and of course that makes the rest of the cullan family appear in the room as well! And than I am in the middle of a group hug.
„Guys." I hear a dangerously dark voice question. Knowing that my mates won't be able to control them much longer. So I softly push my way out of the hug and instead go and hug my two mates that instantly stop to shake.
„I am hungry." I mumble a bit embarrassed after my belly starts to growl.
„That's understandable darling. I have already cooked something for bella and yourself." esme says softly. Smiling thankfully at her, we all make our way downstairs. I do have to say esme always was a fantastic cook, so I am not really surprised that the smell was amazing. She waves to the dining table, only to reappear seconds later with two full plates of spaghetti.
„You are the best!" i say enthusiastically. Esme is the only one who ever makes me spaghetti, well, the only one from who I am enjoying it to to eat.
„Wanted you to have your favorite!" she says and kisses my cheek like a true mum. The two growls from my mates quickly quieten down with one glare from me.
„Don't you dare growl at my mum!" I tell them. No one is allowed to glare, growl or anything like that, at my only mum figure that I ever had. Renee May be my birth mum but she never was my mum. She has left me with my dad and never even cared enough to write a birthday card or call to ask how I am doing. Nothing! So it was really nice of esme to take me in even though we weren't even the same species! The whole room looked at me shocked. Everyone but bella and esme herself, those two know how I never had a real mum before esme!
„So you have two vampire parents! That's pretty cool!" Demetri says and the room right away feels much lighter again. And brother I think with a small smile on my lips.
„Heard that one." Edward says lowly. So I quickly shut my brain right up for everyone again.
„But I appreciate it, even though I am afraid I wasn't meant." he adds with a small wink.
„Sorry Eddie!" i say with a small giggle. The room has went quiet but I happily keep on eating my delicious spaghettis!
„What was that about?" emmet asks Edward, but he seems to not answer the question, leaving it up to me.
„Wouldn't you like to know teddy bear?" i ask him and the whole room laughs at his shocked face.
„Oh you didn't just called me that again!" he whines with a pout.
„I thought you love that nickname?" i ask him feigning innocence.
„Always knew why I loved her!" Rosalie says, even going as far as giving me a high five! Emmet of course starts to whine on how it's not fair that even his mate was on my side, but I do know that he loves me to. When Bella and I have finished our food, esme was right about to take it. But I stoped her, instead putting it back into the kitchen myself. She has already cooked that wonderfully for us, the least I could do is make her sit down and wash up instead of her.
„Can I help?" Demetri asks me a bit unsure. Smiling at him seems to relax him, don't know why he always seems so tensed around me.
„You could help me by drying the dishes." I say already handing him some tissue. Just before I was finished, I turn towards him.
„Can I ask you why you always seem so tense around me? Like you are afraid of me?" I ask him before quickly looking back towards the dishes.
„You remind me of someone, that's why I have smelt you back in the elevator. Even your sent is pretty similar." he answers me after a heavy sigh. Now really intrigued at who I might remind him, hopefully someone positive! I really would hate it if me being here would bring back bad memories for him!
„May i know Who i remind you off? Or is it too personal?" I ask hoping I don't overstep a boundary with him. Since he looks a bit unsure over his shoulder, I softly put my right hand on his temple. Concentrating on building a wall around the both of us. When I open my eyes again a white fog is around us, the voices from around us now gone.
„No one can hear us now." I inform him and i see his shocked look, but then he only smiles at me with a proud glint in his eyes.
„Thank you! I mean I already spoke with Master Marcus about it, but no one else knows about it." he starts and takes another deep breath.
„You look so much like my little sister used to! And like I said, even your smell is pretty close to hers." he goes on. And my heart stops beating for a minute. Used to, which only can mean that he has lost her.
„My mother had killed her. didn't liked her because she thought Anna gets everyone's attention when she should be the one receiving it. I feel really protective over you, I feel the need to protect you since back than I was to weak to keep my sister safe." he explains and I can see his eyes slowly filling with tears. Feeling really sorry for him, I can't keep myself from hugging him.
„I know that I won't be able to replace your sister, and I hope you know that I would never do that! But I do see you as my brother! So I would be happy if you would see me as a sister as well." I tell him still cuddled into his chest.
„Thank you! That means a lot to me!" he replies.
„Maybe you should get us back now or your mates might go crazy!" he says with a low chuckle.
„I guess!" I say and just like that the fog is gone and everyone is watching us like we are crazy. Hmm, Nothing new to be honest. Giggling at my thoughts only lets them smile at me in return so I guess I did something right.

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