Oh Boy, here we go

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(I don't own the art I got it off Pinterest)
No one's PFV

Phoenix (btw, the picture above is what he looks like)was not expecting a large and angry group of people to fall form the ceiling. As far as he knows there wasn't to be any showings in this room until next week. Plus he is positive that Griffin and Dragon were over seeing it not him. He is also positive that it's for a group of dead people with swords, not ... high school? Yhea, he's pretty sure their high schoolersl and their ... teachers? Their desst kind of weird and not can't be school apoperit (I think thats how you spell it). Well it could be Halloween, but shouldn't there be a dress code?

Phoenix was unexpectedly ripped out of his thoughts by Bakugou screaming "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!!!"

"A movie theater." Phoenix beadpans. The group terns and looks at him, with a mixture of emotions on their faces.
"WHO THE-" The explosive blonde was suddenly wrapped in a white scarf. The owner of sed scarf was a tall man with long messy black hair, and rather impressive eye bags. The man was eyeing Phoenix, as if he was trying to diside if Phoenix was a threat, or not.

It was silent for a moment until a skeleton looking man cleared his throat, and asked "Young man, may ask way we are here?"

Phoenix snorted "Hell, if I know." As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. Besause as soon as he said them the group of people started rapped fireing question at, just yelling at him, or having a mental brack down. Phoenix sighed "If y'all would shut up, I can find out way."

It took Phoenix about 15 minutes to actually get someone who know something to pick up the phone.

"Phoenix, you better ha-"

"You and Griffen don't have a group coming utill next week right?"

"... Are you seriously calling me to ask me that?" The other mans voice was overflowing with anger.

"Yes I am, because your theater is currently occupied by an unscheduled, and unknown group of high schoolers."



"Well, it seems we can't send y'all home, so for th-"

"WHAT, WHY?!?!" Most of them screeched.

"I don't know why, I just fix and clean the theaters here okay!" Phoenix puts his hands up in a defensive poison. "Look all they told me was to start the multiverses of Izuku Midoriya!"


"Wait, where is Deku?!?" asked a rather worried Uraraka.

Before they could erupted into chaos, Phoenix says "Still in your universe, safe, unharmed, and most likely frozenin time."

"....." everyone

"How aboutwe get this show on the road!!" I don't get paid enough for this.

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