Happy 15th Birthday

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Your POV-
Today was my 15th birthday. And the last day of the anime convention going on in the next town over. I have two best friends, Jackie who has long dark brown hair with pink tips, olive skin and chocolate eyes. And my other best friend is Sarah, she has brown hair down to her shoulders, pale skin and brown eyes like a pine tree. We all love anime, and Black Butler was our favorite.
So back to my birthday. I am having a sleepover and taking my friends to the convention. This is my first time at one and I'm so excited, I could jump up and down. Which is what I did."(Y/N), no need to jump!" Sarah said. "I know but I can't help it,” I call out to her as I run to get in to the building. Both my friends come running close behind. After about 5 hours looking at things and buying even more stuff it was almost time to go. Looking at my 3 bags I was very happy with what I got. My friends and I have a total of 8 bags between us. "This is the best birthday ever! Thanks so much for telling me about this Sarah," I say hugging my best friend "No....problem...(Y/N)" she says from under my death grip of a hug. What can I say? I'm good at hugs. I turn and run into some one. "OHMYGOSH! So sorry sir!" I call as I bow. I hear my friends giggle. "It's ok, just be more careful..." he stops seeing that I dropped my bags and most of my Black Butler stuff falls out. “OH! You like Black Butler?" he asks. "We all do." Jackie says from behind me. "Well I have a book that you may like. It involves Black Butler you see. And if you buy it now I will give you a pocket watch for free." Now I was interested, I love pocket watches you see. "Really? I love books and pocket watches!" I say. I then realized my stuff is all over the ground. "Oh no," I bent down and start picking it up. I zone out.

-Sarah's POV-
It is (Y/N)'s birthday and I still haven’t gotten her a gift. The weird man notices (Y/N) picking up her stuff and helps her. I turn to Jackie "Hey," I whisper I haven't got (Y/N) a gift yet, how about you?" “I was going to wait till the perfect gift was found." "Well I know (Y/N) has used up all the money her mom gave her to spend here and I still have $20 left, and you got like what $10?" I ask looking over at her "Ya, lets buy this together and give it to (Y/N)" I nod my head "Just what I was thinking. OK done"

"Excuse me sir, but how much is the book?" I ask. He has finished helping pick up the stuff. "Oh that will be $30 and I already have it in a birthday bag." He says as he get up off the ground and offers a hand to (Y/N). "Great we will take it!" Jackie says and I hand her my money.

-Jackie’s POV-
I take Sarah's $20 along with my $10 and hand the man the money. "Uh... guys why are you doing this?" (Y/N) asked. Now most people would have though she sounded ungrateful, but knowing her she wanted to know what was up. You see she cares about people. "We are getting you a super cool birthday gift," I say. "Yes, we know you spent all you spending money on that stuff" Sarah says as she points to the stuff in the bag. (Y/N) face lit up like a firework. "REALLY?! Thanks you guys! You're the best!" she says coming at us for a death hug. The man hands (Y/N) the bag that holds the book. "Now read the instructions carefully. Don't wait to get stuck with something you don't like." We all look at the bag. "What do you mea..." I stop as I see he's gone. "Oh well….ok time to go! My mom's waiting" (Y/N) says and skips off. ‘oh that girl.' I sigh as Sarah and I follow her lead and hook her arms. Skipping like life was all right.


-Your POV-
After all the gifts and cake out of the way we change into our p.js. "Hey Satan, can you hand me the weird new book?" Satan was Jackie’s nickname. She was not really mean or anything that name just popped out of nowhere. It was a great laugh whenever someone says anything about Satan and we think of Jackie. "Sure, it's a weird book all right" She says handing me the book. The front says "Create Your Own Characters for Any Anime" in gold lettering. The book was a dark red color and had many pages. The first page had the rules.

1. In order for this to take you there you need to but blood on the page. The persons who blood it is will have that character.
2. If a species is choices not in that anime, they will dealt to human.

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